Haileab was born in Seraye, Eritrea
Haileab got his first job at a clinic cleaning rooms, folding sheets and making beds.
Haileab became a doctor
Haileab married Tsege
The Camp
Selamawis family lived on camp from 1980 to 1983 -
Selamawi and his family moved to America.
The new life of Selamawi and his family started off with staying at a motel room with two bedroom. They then moved to lived in the suburb in Wheaton with a church being able to sponsor them on finding a home.
Tewolde and Mehret goes to elementary school
Tewolde and Mehret at Longfellow Elementary School, 1985 -
The sponsor was able to find Selamawi and his family a home. Within this time, his mother had a new baby boy.
Tewolde and Mehret got their first job at age 14 during the summer.
Tewolde started his cleaning business
Tewolde was killed by a drunk driver.
Selamawi got accepted into Harvard
Selamawi's father is no longer alive.
Selamawi graduates from Harvard.