The Photograph

  • First photo taken

    First photo taken
    in 1816 Joseph Niepce created the first camera. It took 8 hours of light exposure to create it, but it faded over time.
  • First known surviving photo

    First known surviving photo
    Taken in 1826 or 1827 was the first surviving photograph, taken by Joseph Niepce
  • Fist photograph taken with a person in it

    Fist photograph taken with a person in it
    In 1838 the very first photo was taken with a person included i it.
  • First Colored Photo

    First Colored Photo
    In 1861 James Clerk Maxwell produced the very first color photograph of a ribbon
  • The fist film

    The fist film
    The fist film was created in the late 1890's by playing multiple photos in order
  • Photography became popular

    Photography became popular
    In the late 1940's or 50's the photograph became widely available
  • First Digital Camera

    First Digital Camera
    Steven Sasson created the first digital camera
  • Fist disposable camera invented

    Fist disposable camera invented
    In 1986 the fist disposable camera was invented
  • First phone camera

    First phone camera
    In 2001 the phone began to be able to take photos
  • Instagram was created

    Instagram was created
    in 2010 Kevin Systrom created Instagram along with his friend, Mike Krieger, Instagram is an app specifically created to share photos.