The Byzantine Empire

  • Period: 306 to 337

    Emperor Constantine

    He was born in februrary 27 of 272 and died May 22 of 337. One of his acomplishments was that he built Constantinople. He started to rule in 306 to 337 CE
  • Period: 379 to 392

    Emperor Theodosius

    He was born in January 11. 347 and died in January 17, 395. One major acomplishment was that he made catholisims the major religion. He started to rule between 379 to 392.
  • Period: 526 to 565

    Empreror Justinian I

    He was born in May 11 on 483 and died on November 14 of 565. One of his major accomplishments was that he created the ‘Justinan Code’.He was named king in August 1st of 526 and ruled up to 565
  • Period: 797 to 802

    Empress Irene

    She was born in 752 CE. One important event she did was that she restored the use of icons. She started to rule between 797 to 802 CE.
  • Period: 842 to 855

    Empress Theodora

    She was born 497 and died in June 28, 548 in Istanbul, Turkey. She was probably one of the most powerful women in Byzantine history. She helped her husband (Justinian) sin a fight that he wanted to avoid.
  • Period: 976 to 1025

    Emperor Basil II

    Emperor Basil II was born in 957 or 958 and died on December 15, 1025. One of his major accomplishments was that he created the trebuchet. It was used for battle to destroy big obstacles.
  • Period: 1028 to 1050

    Empress Zoe

    She was born in 978 and died in 1050 in Istanbul, Turkey. One of her major accomplishments was that she created many famos mosaics.