Roosevelt gives an offer to colombia
Roosevelt offer $10milllion to colombia in cash and $25,000 yrly in rent to allow U.S. to buy the panama canal. Roosevelt tels them U.S. would help them with getting rid of colombian rule if they clameied independnce. Negociated U.S a panama treaty with colombia. soon after a balltle takes place but it only lasted a few hours. The soldiers in colon bribed with $50 each dat to layarms. -
Revolt in Panama
On Novebmber 3,1903 there was a revlot abou tthe panama canal. Americnas were almared because Roosevelt criticizes his gunboat diplomacy. The U.S marines land in colon to prevent hostile colombian troops from reaching panama city. U.S. gunboats wait in the harbor to support the rebels. The payment of the $10 milion secured a canal zone and the rights to build. -
Panama treaty is signed
A frenchman acting for panaa signed a treaty giving U.S permenant use. After the treaty was signed the U.S gained control of 10 mile wide zone across the isthmus of panama. The U.S paid $10 millon plus $25,000 a yr in rent for the canal -
The building of the Panama Canal Begins
youtube.comThe Buliding of the canel begins. P. Rossevelt urged the engineers to "make the Dirt fly". soon after the buliding started problems came like disease and people dying. Americans first year in Panama mirrored the French disater. The chief engineer, John Findlay Wallace, Negleted to organized efforts and a organize action plan. The American poured $128 million into the canel and it had little effect on it. -
Rooseveltl is in charge of the canal
The Canel is still being bulit. But now roosevelt is in charge of the canal. Disease is still killing hundreds of people. $128 million is poured into the panama swamps. -
Getting rid of Yellow Fever
They thought yellow fever was caused by the dirty but is is caused by mosqutios. It was killing people by the hundreds. Gorgas nearly wiped out yellow fever and he reduced maldria in pananama. He did it by clearly out brush and drained swamps where mosquitos lived.By 1906 yellow fever drop by half -
The canal is finshed
The Panama Canal has finally opened. After years of work the Atlantic and Pacific are finally joined together.August 15, 1914 was actually the deplayed day of when the canal was supposed to open.