
The Buildup of WWII

  • Mussolini's March on Rome

    Mussolini's March on Rome
    Mussolini's march on Rome was a display of power over the people of Italy as Mussolini had recently gained power, showing his national fascist rule
  • Hitler Writes "Mein Kampf"

    Hitler Writes "Mein Kampf"
    The book "Mein Kampf" or "My Struggle" outlines Hitler's plans for Germany after he gains power
  • Stalin's First "Five Year Plan"

    Stalin's First "Five Year Plan"
    The first "Five Year Plan" was meant to rapidly industrialize the country, pushing it into a new industrial revolution, in turn, boosting the economy as well
  • Stalin Becomes Dictator of the USSR

    Stalin Becomes Dictator of the USSR
    Soon after Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin gains power over Trotsky
  • Japan's Invasion of Manchuria

    Japan's Invasion of Manchuria
    The Japanese invaded Manchuria due to Manchuria's richness in natural resources that Japan needed to continue it's industrial boom
  • Holodomor

    Holodomor was the man-made Great Famine of the Soviet Republic of Ukraine which killed millions during the grain shortage
  • Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler becomes the ruler of Germany after the Nazi Party takes over
  • "The Night of Long Knives"

    "The Night of Long Knives"
    The purge of head Nazi paramilitary organization leaders from the Sturmabteilung, ordered by Hitler. This effectively killed off Hitler's rivals for running as head of the Nazi Party
  • Nuremberg Laws Enacted

    Nuremberg Laws Enacted
    These laws were antisemitic and pushed many Nazi ideologies on race and religion. They were targeted heavily towards Jews, however also targeted gypsies
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    The Italian invasion of Ethiopia was probably their best victory of the century. While often overlooked by their failures and humiliations of the Second World War, this invasion was a huge success for Italy
  • The Great Purge and the Gulags

    The Great Purge and the Gulags
    The Great Purge was Stalin's order to kill off anyone and everyone who does, could or has threatened his power as dictator of the Soviet Union. The Gulags were also built as to imprison those who questioned or disliked Stalin's authority and choices as leader
  • The Spanish Civil War Begins

    The Spanish Civil War Begins
    The Spanish Republicans, backed by the Soviets and the Spanish Nationalists, backed by the Germans, go to war for power in Spain. While the Republicans fought hard, the Nationalists eventually won and assumed power over the country, collaborating with the Axis during WWII
  • The Rape of Nanking

    The Rape of Nanking
    This was the Japanese assault on Nanking where thousands of Chinese women were raped, mutilated, defiled and killed by Japanese soldiers. This is an event that the Chinese still resent the Japanese over.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht or "Night of Broken Glass" was the Nazi assault on Jewish synagogues, businesses and homes, which the Nazis promptly then fined the Jews for the mess the next day
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    Hitler invades Poland, capturing the nation alongside the Soviet Union in 1939. The invasion ended on October 6th, taking a little over a month. Looking at both sides of Poland's small war, it is impressive how long the Polish were able to fend off the German invaders, however fell at the rear, believing that the Red Army was there to save them
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor-–US Joins the War

    Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor-–US Joins the War
    The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was successful in two things. One, crippling the American Navy and Two, bringing the United States into the Second World War. While the US Navy was not crippled for long, it adopted a "Germany First" Policy, which had them fight heavily in the European Theatre first, then focus on the Pacific Theatre after the Nazi threat has been eliminated