
The Browns and the Slave Trade

  • Captain James Brown

    Captain James Brown
    The first slave ship, The Mary sailed from Providence, Rhone Island.
  • The Wheel of Fortune

    The Wheel of Fortune
    Nicholas and John Brown with the help of their uncle Obadiah and a few Providence merchents get ready to send out a new slave ship. Unfortunatley for the Browns, the ship, Wheel of Fortune was captured by a French privateer, causing them to lose lots of money.
  • The Sally Leaves

    The Sally Leaves
    The Sally, leaves Newport for Africa. The Browns ignore valuble advice to hire an experienced captain, and hire their friend Captain Hopkins.
  • The Sally Lands

    The Sally Lands
    The Sally lands in Africa, and Cpatain Hopkins begins to collect slaves to fill the ship.
  • The Sally leaves Africa

    The Sally leaves Africa
    On August 20, 1765 Cpatain Hopkins gathered his last slave and set sail.
  • The Slave's Rebellion

    The Slave's Rebellion
    Eight days into the journey the slave rebel. The crew uses guns to supress them and end up killing eight, which causes them to lose money.
  • The Browns Write to Hopkins

    The Browns Write to Hopkins
    The Brown brothers try to look on the bright side, saying that even though they lost 88 slaves they are happy that Captain Hopkins is okay.