Russian Revolution
Due to the Russian Revolution in 1917, it led to the result of the rise of the Soviet Union in Russia which demolished the Tsarist autocracy. This relates to the Cold War because it was caused by conflicts with the United States and the USSR. -
The Soviet Union bomb test
Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union authorized making nuclear weapons during World War 2. This weapon was conducted by the U.S. at the end of the Cold War. -
Atomic bomb- Hiroshima/Nagasaki
In August 1945, the United States Airforce attacked Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki with two Atomic bombs which still caused them long-term effects to this day. This attack resulted in thousands of Japanese in surrender which then ended World War 2. -
Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was a national boundary to separate Europe into two divided areas. This was astablished at the end of World War 2 to the end of the Cold War. -
Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference was located at the Ceceilienhof, Potsdam in Germany. The participants in this conference was the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and the United States. The pupose of the conference was to make a decision on how to manage Germany. However, this lead to the Cold War because it soon then lead to the Soviet Union take contol on Eastern Europe. -
Truman Doctrine
An American foriegn policy during the Cold war. This purpose was to counter Soviet expansion. -
The Berlin Blockade and airlift
During World War 2, Germany and the Soviet Union had blocked the Western Allies access to get to areas in Berlin. This was a major internationl crisis during the Cold War. -
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was when America assisted with economic help to Western Europe in a way that they provided over $12 billion. This was to help Western Europe at the end of World War 2. -
NATO stands for the North Atlantic treaty Organization which may also be reffered as the North Atlantic Alliance between twenty-nine North American and European countries. During the Cold War, NATO was a process to strengthen the Western Allies. -
The Hollywood Ten
A group in the 1950s in a documentary that showed that they refused to answer to questions that pointed out any affiliation to being communists. However, the US was against communism because communist wanted to take over more countries during the Cold War ehich lead to containment. -
Korean War
A war between North and South Korea when the north invaded the south. However, this war was a product to the Cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States. -
Khruschev Takes over the Soviet Union
Khruschev led the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the Communist Party. He took a major role in the responsabilty of de-salinization in the Soviet Union. -
Army-McCarthy hearings
Investigation held by the United States Army in which McCarthy's charges on communism. This was based on problems between the U.S. Army and McCarthy the senator of the United States. -
Eisenhower’s Massive Retaliation Policy
This massive retaliation was actually known a massive response. However, it was a military doctrine in which Eisenhower inforced much better weopans and preparation in force for an attack in the Cold War. -
Warsaw Pact
A treaty signed by Warsaw, Poland during the Cold War. The purpose was to combine West Germany into NATO. -
Vietnam War
This conflict was between the Noth Vietnam communist government and the South Vietnam's alliance with the United States. This war was lead by the Cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States. -
Hungarian Revolution
Began from a protest to a revolution including the Marxist-Leninest government and Soviet policies. This purpose was to fight for their freedom and the fall of communism in their government. -
U2 incident
An incident in which an American, Francis Gary Bowers had been shot while flying over the Soviet Union with a spy plane. In which the Soviets had fired during the Cold War. -
Bay of pigs invasion
Invasion by Cuban exiles on the south coast of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. The purposemof this was to bring down Fidel Castro's revolution. -
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin was a gaurded blockade which split East and West Berlin into two divided areas to prevent people from taking off from East. This separated the democratic and communist countires in the Cold War. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
A confrontation between the Soviets and America in which inclused american missile deplyment in Cuba. This was coming close to a nuclear conflict while the Soviets were building missile cities in Cuba during the Cold War. -
Detente under Nixon
A period in time during the Cold War to release tension in conflict built up beween the Soviet Union and the United States. This meant cooperating in trades and treaties with the Soviets. -
The Reagon Doctrine
The Reagan Doctrine was a policy that supported the revolutions of 'anti-communists'. This had the United States helping the anti-Soviet fighters. These revolutions were to try to put an end to the Cold War. -
Reagan's Berlin Wall Speech
This speech was an attempt to take down the Berlin Wall. In fact, Presidant Ronald Reagan was in contact with with the leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev to open up the wall. In result, the plan worked. This was also a way to try and put an end to the Cold War in this time period. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The concrete border that split Weastern and Eastern Europe had be destruction and they were set free. This wall was a symbol to the Cold War in which it was put to an end.