The Breakdown of the grand alliance

By santi c
  • The drop of the Hiroshima Bomb

    The drop of the Hiroshima Bomb
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    In which the president of the US Turman, said; “those guys (U.S.S.R) are not cool, cannot be trusted, and we will do everything we can to prevent the spread of communism around the world”. Some argue that this was the moment where the cold war started.
  • The Marshal plan to aid western europe

    The Marshal plan to aid western europe
    The use gave aid to the countries in the western european area, so that they would not turn to comunism
  • The berlin blockade

    The berlin blockade
    The US, flew over planes to the eastern side of Berlin, with food and supplies so that once againg people from the east would not turn into comunism
  • China becomes comunist

    China becomes comunist
    china turn into communism, and becomes the U.S.S.R ally
  • Nato was formed

    Nato was formed
    NATO is an intergovernmental military and political alliance between 30 European and North American countries.
  • The U.S.S.R drops their first A-bomb

    The U.S.S.R drops their first A-bomb
  • The start of the korean war

    The start of the korean war
    The korean war between north and south korea, was a war fought between communism and capitalism, also where the Soviet Union and the US where involved
  • USA exploded their first H-bomb

    USA exploded their first H-bomb
    the United States successfully detonated “Mike,” the world's first hydrogen bomb, on the Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Marshall Islands.
  • The death of Stalin

    The death of Stalin
    He died of a stroke, at age 74
  • Korean war ended

  • The Warsaw pact

    The Warsaw pact
    officially known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. Was signed in Warsaw, Poland.
    The members of this group are: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union.
  • Hungary's revolution against the Soviet Union

    The protests where against the laws imposed by the Soviet military.
  • Sputnik Launched

    Sputnik Launched
    The space rocket sent by the soviets scared the US, they were afraid that the soviets would win the space race, and give them a huge advantage over the war.
  • Cuba becomes comunist

    Cuba becomes comunist
  • The US gets involved in the Vietnam war

    The US gets involved in the Vietnam war
    The U.S. entered the Vietnam War in an attempt to prevent the spread of communism, but foreign policy, economic interests, national fears, and geopolitical strategies also played major roles
  • The berlin wall was built

    The berlin wall was built
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the few times that the ‘rules’ of the Cold War were nearly forgotten. Fidel castro was about to launch the missiles to the US, but then president Nikita Khrushchev told him to stand back or else another world war or world destruction would have started
  • The Six day war

    The war was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Israel believed that it was only a matter of time before the three Arab states co-ordinated a massive attack on Israel.
  • U.S.S.R invades Czechoslovakia.

  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    This landing gave the US a huge step forward at the space race between their rival the U.S.S.R. This took them forwards by miles, also making this one of the most important events in history.
  • The yom kippur war

    On this day, Egyptian and Syrian military forces launched an attack knowing that the military of Israel would be participating in the religious celebrations associated with Yom Kippur. Therefore, their guard would temporarily be dropped. The combined forces of Egypt and Syria totalled the same number of men as NATO had in Western Europe.
  • U.S.S.R invades Afghanistan