Obi leon leyson 011813

The Boy On The Wooden Box_Ashley Chen

  • Moving to Krakow

    Moving to Krakow
    During the Spring of 1938, Leon along with his mother, sister, and brothers, moved to Krakow on a train to join their father. This is a negative turning point because as the time passes, the fears and torture of the Nazis happen in Krakow. This connects to the theme because Krakow is the place of fear and negativity for him but there needs to bad things for good things to happen.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Within a week of Germany crossing the Polish border, the Germans were in Krakow. This is a negative turning point because when the Germans invaded, it stared the war and the many year of torture that comes in the following years. This connects to the theme because this is one of the major bad event that leads to Leyson having a full happy life in the end.
  • Father Works Under Oskar Schindler

    Father Works Under Oskar Schindler
    Leon's Father opens a safe for Oskar Schindler which allows a relationship with the Schindlers allowing him to be one of the few original Jewish workers. This is a positive turning point because when Mr. Leyson met Schindler, they have established a good relationship that allowed Schindler to save his family numerous times. This connects to the theme because we can see the start of the good things start when meeting Schindler that help lead them to his happy memories.
  • Leyson Family Forced To Ghetto

    Leyson Family Forced To Ghetto
    Leon and his family were sent to a ghetto in Krakow and shared a house with the Luftigs. This is a negative turning point of his life because it is the start of the torture for the many years following and he grew up quickly. This follows the theme because this is one of the bad things that will eventually lead up to an good ending.
  • Tsalig Taken By Nazi

    Tsalig Taken By Nazi
    When the German soldiers broke into the room, their father had quickly shown their blue sheet which gave them immunity yet due to Tsalig being 17, he must have his own which he did not own. This is a negative character development because it installed extreme sadness due another one of his brother being taken and killed. This relates to the theme as it is another example of a bad thing that helps lead to a good thing.
  • Leon and Mother Sent to Plaszow Camp

    Leon and Mother Sent to Plaszow Camp
    Leon and his mother were forced to Plaszow where they had the worst time of their lives. Leon had snuck to his family members to see them and they were horrified to see his small, skeleton like figure that showed worries of death. This is a negative turning point because he faces the worst time of his lives in Plaszow. This connect on how all bad things lead to good things as even if he went through hardships in plaszow, he lived a happy life after the war.
  • Going to Schindler's "Camp"

    Going to Schindler's "Camp"
    Leona and his mother was sent to Schindler's new camp which reunited the remaining members of the family again. This is a turning point as Leon and other Jews were regaining hope, trust, and the feeling of safety again. This connects to the theme because after all the suffering, we can see that things are turning better for him even if it is not the end. The bad things are changing into better events.
  • Move to Gross-Rosen

    Move to Gross-Rosen
    Moving the Schindler Factory to another location caused the Jews working there to be placed at the Gross-Rosen Camp while they were moving and brought back after. This is a negative character development as Leon has to face the shame and fear all over again. This connects to the theme because even if he has encountered good events, bad things can still happen in. Even if it is bad, it is still a part of his memories to tell others about the horrors he went through.
  • Schindler Flees & Frees His Jews

    Schindler Flees & Frees His Jews
    As German soldiers and those related to the torture i feeling the country, Oskar Schindler fled giving them clothes and vodka, telling his Jewish workers "You are Free." This is a positive turning piint becuase the Schindler Jews are liberated and free from the Nazis and they just have to wait for the Allies to come. This connects to the theme becuase after suffering all those bad events, Leon is facing good events.
  • Liberation

    The liberation had officially freed the Schindler Jews as a German Soldier rode up to the gates and told the Jews to rip off the numbers and triangle of their uniforms. This is a positive turning point because it freed all the Jews they went out the the camp free. This connects to the theme because after the years of oppression and torture, they are finally free and this is one of the best events to happen.
  • Theme Statement: Bad Events Occur To Lead To Good Events

    Theme Statement: Bad Events Occur To Lead To Good Events