The Boshin War

  • Japan is open

    Japan is open
    Commodore Perry opens the Japanese boarder for trade.
  • People become hostile

    People became hostile twords the Shogunate because there are so many foriners that japan can not keep up with them.
  • The court is overrun

    The court is overrun
    samurai warriors form an alliance with the imperial court and influence emperor Meiji.
  • Influence

    The emperor is influenced to overthrow the shogunate.
  • Movement

    The samurai begin to mobilize against the Shogunate.
  • The start of the war

    The start of the war
    The shogunate is forced to retaliate to the movements, starting the war.
  • The battle of Ueno

    The battle of Ueno
    The imperials were defeated, suffering heavy casualties.
  • The battle of Noheiji

    The battle of Noheiji
    This battle was part of the siege of Aizu.
  • Aizu

    The emperor's troops capture the city of Aizu.
  • The battle of Hakodate

    The battle of Hakodate
    The two opposing forces clashed here until the day the war ended.
  • The end of the war

    The end of the war
    The Shogunate surrender.
  • Power

    The emperor is given full power over the country, even though the emperor is just fifteen.
  • Modernization

    While in power, emperor Meiji began to modernize Japan's army and navy.
  • The death of Meiji

    The death of Meiji
    Emperor Meiji died on this date.
  • Emperor Taisho

    Emperor Taisho
    Emperor Taisho, Meiji's son, takes the throne.
  • WWI

    World war one begins.
  • WWI ends

    WWI ends
    World war one ends.
  • Emperor Hirohito

    Emperor Hirohito
    Emperor Hirohito was emperor from 1926 to 1989
  • WWII

    World war 2 begins.
  • Surrender

    Emperor Hirohito surrenders to Americans, ending world war two.