The borbouns

  • 1700

    Carlos II death without heirs of the last king of habsburgs.
  • Period: to

    Felipe V (1700-1724)

    -1700: Carlos II death without heirs of the last king ofthe habsburgs. -1701-1714: Spanish succession war. 1701: start of the war, 1713: treaty of Utrech, 1714: treaty of rassat and end of the war. -1707: Nueva planta degrees (Valencia and Aragón) -1715: Nueva Planta degrees (Mallorca) -1716: Nueva planta degrees (Cataluña)
  • Period: to

    Succession war

  • Louis I

  • Period: to

    Felipe V (1724-1746)

  • Period: to

    Fernando VI (1746-1759)

  • Period: to

    Carlos III (1759-1788)

    -1767: expulsion of the Jesuits.
  • Period: to

    Carlos IV (1788-1808)

    -1793. first coalition against France -1795: peace of Basilea -1796: Treaty of San Idelfonso -1800: ratiffication of the treaty of San Idefonso with Napoleon -1805: Battle of Trafalgar -1807: treaty of Fontainebleau -1808:
    1. Godoy´s Dimisof
    2. abdication of Carlos IV
    3. movement of fernando VII, Carlos IV and all the
    royal family to Bayone
  • Period: to

    Independence War (1808-1813)

    -1808: The independence war starts and popular uprising (2nd May) -1812. Napoleon send trops from Spain to Russia and Spanish Cpnstitution ( 19th March) -1813: treaty of Valençay and end of the war