The Book Thief Timeline By: Kaylee Galbreath

  • Brother dies

    Liesel's brother dies on the way to the foster care and she gets taken to foster care alone.
  • The Book Thief Steals First Book

    Liesel steals her first book, "The Grave Digger's Handbook," and this begins her book stealing.
  • Arrival On Himmel Street

    Liesel arrives at the Hubermann's foster home on Himmel Street, and she refuses to get out the car. This was her first car ride.
  • Result of brother's death

    Liesel begins having very bad nightmares of her brother, because she remembers how his face looked whenever he died. This is a memory that is etched into her memory.
  • BGG

    Liesel joins the Band Of German Girls, which is a youth program to teach them Hitler's ways.
  • WWII

    World War II starts. The beginning of Hitler's Reign.
  • Class Reading

    Liesel volunteers to read to her class which is ironic because she doesn't fully know how to read so she just recites a part of "The Gravedigger's Handbook," from memory.
  • Letters

    Liesel begins writing letters to her mother and she steals money from Rosa's laundry business to mail the letters off.
  • Hitler's Birthday

    For Hitler's birthday, they hold a book burning on Himmel Street and they burn all jew-related books.
  • Book Thief's next move

    Liesel steals "The Shoulder Shrug," during the book burning for Hitler's Birthday.
  • The Book Thief's Helper

    Liesel and Rudy steal apples from a farmer and they eat all of them until they make theirselves sick.
  • Germany Invades England

    Germany invades England and this was a major turning point for the war.
  • Jew searches for the Hubermanns

    Max comes looking for Hans, who promised his mother long ago that if they ever need help, to come to him.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, which affected us during the war.
  • Max's Illness

    Max gets very sick and this worries the Hubermanns because they know a dead jew is far worse than a live one, and they don't want to get caught.
  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust begins, which is when things turn for the worse for jews.
  • Neighbor Visit

    Holtzapfel comes and asks Liesel to read to her and she promises to stop spitting on their door. Liesel started off not knowing how to read and now a neighbor they didn't get along with, is now wanting her to read to her.
  • Parade of Jews

    Everyone comes and watches as they march the jews through Himmel Street, Rudy and Liesel were a part of these people watching.
  • Hans' Beating

    Hans didn't want to give Liesel and Rudy a bad idea, so he gave out bread to a Jew in the parade, He and the Jew were both severely beaten.
  • Hans Leaves

    After his beating, Hans receives a letter saying he has been accepted to the party and he has to go off to war.
  • Effect of Hans Movement

    Because of what Hans did, Liesel and Rudy also leave bread for the Jews in the parade and Liesel gets whipped.
  • Christmas Day

    Max gives Liesel a book of his thoughts that he wrote, "The Word Shaker."
  • Papa's Return

    Papa returns home from war.
  • Max's Parade

    Liesel sees Max in the Parade of Jews, which worries her but also makes her feel comfort. She has wondered where he was been, and she knows he isn't dead, but it isn't a good thing to be in the parade.
  • Himmel Street's End.

    A bomb hits Himmel Street and destroys everything and kills everybody except Liesel. She was in the basement reading her book and this is what saved her life.
  • Hitler's Reign Comes to an End

    Hitler commits suicide which ends his reign and control.
  • End of WWII

    World War II ends, and the Jews are freed.
  • Max's Return.

    After the war, Max returns to find Liesel and they are finally back together.
  • Liesel's Death

    Liesel died at a very old age, according to Death. Right before she died, she had visions of all her children, grandchildren, and everybody she lost on Himmel Street.