the book thief

  • brother died

    Lisel Meminger wached her brother die on a trian. Later when he got buried she stole her first book, the grave diggers hand book.
  • himmel street

    Lisel moved in with her foster parents hans and rosa huberman on himmel street. A street full of small houses squished together.
  • meets rudy

    rudy, lisels friend, make fun of and get chased by someone else on himmel street. then, afterwards, race eachother, on a bet that if rudy wins he gets to kiss lisel.
  • hans finds book

    Hans comes in lisels room after one of her frequent nightmares and finds the book she stole. Then he teaches her how to read.
  • wwII starts

    world war 2 starts after hitler invades poland. lisel beats up a kid at school after being teased.
  • hitler youth

    when lisel turned ten she got a broken doll for her birthday and started hitler youth.
  • finishes book

    lisel and has huberman finish the grave diggers hand book.
  • letters to her mom

    sends leters to her mom only to realize that no one knows where her mom is and could be dead.
  • hitlers birthday

    lisel steals second book at book burning. hans junior comes home and gets in fight with hans.
  • mayors library

    the mayors wife after seeing leisel steal the book, shows her the mayors libary. lisel loves it and goes there everyday.
  • max

    hans finds the jew named max and gives him food water the hubermans house key and adress.
  • maxs arival

    max enters the house on himmel street and begins to live there. he is asleep for three days after moving in
  • standover man

    The standover man is writen by max. Max gives it to lisel to read.
  • crosword puzzels

    lisel brings home a news paper for max so he can do the crossword puzzle. eventualy she does this every day.
  • weatherman

    max asks lisel what the weather is like lisel tells him. then max paints a picture of what lisel told him.
  • bombing

    lisel reads to averyody in a bomb shelter. one person there liked her reading so much she hired her to read to her at her house.
  • bread

    hans gives bread to a jew walking through the streets and gets punished for it. first he gets whiped the he gets drafted to the army and has to stay out during bobmings.
  • christmas

    lisel gives rudy a suit as a present. they steel it from a store.
  • hans gets injured

    hans comes home because of injury after a car acident.
  • teddy bear

    rudy gives a dying pilot his teddy bear. every one is waching as he dies.
  • death

    everyone on himmel street dies after bombing. lisel and max are the only ones to survive.