The Book Thief

  • Olympics in Germany

  • The night of broken glass

    On this night all the Jews were evacuated out of German society's.
  • Liesel's brother dies.

    On the way to their knew home, Himmel Street, her brother dies suddenly in her arms on the train. It is at his funeral where she steals her first book by the name of The Gravedigger's Handbook.
  • Liesel begins her education.

    Liesel woke up from another one of her night terrors but this time covered in her own urine. Han's comes to comfort her a discovers her book, The Grave Diggers Handbook. They begin to read and write and practice learning new words.
  • world war two begins

    Germany invades Poland leading to the start of world war two.
  • Liesel writes letters to her mother.

    Liesel begins to write letters to her mother, however she never gets a reply. She eventually gives up hope and realizes her mother is dead.
  • Liesel steals her second book

    After the burning celebration for Hitler's birthday Liesel notices some material not burned towards the bottom. She investigates more into this and steals her second book, The Shoulder Shrug.
  • Hitlers birthday

    Once Hitler's birthday comes around all of Germany celebrates by having a huge burning.
  • Max arrives to Himmel street

    Max is on a train reading the Mein Kompf as he is on the way to Himmel street. He arrives at the Hubermann's later that night.
  • Germany invades Russia

  • Britain and the Soviets join forces

  • Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was established.

    This was one of the biggest concentration camps which served to imprison jews up until their death. Death explains how during this time he just needed a break considering all the souls he had to collect.
  • The German city of Cologne was attacked.

  • Air raids began in Molching

    Air raids went off in Molching Germany. during their time in the shelter Leisel reads to everyone in attempt to calm everyone down.
  • The parade of Jews and Max's departure

    Nazi soldiers lead the Jews like cattle through the streets of Germany. Hans tries to give them food and gets beaten. Due to Hans actions Max leaves.
  • Hans Hubermann was accepted into the nazi party and drafted into the war

    Hans awaited his punishment for feeding the Jews but in return received an acceptance letter into the Nazi party then two days later received his punishment once he was drafted into the war as an LSE officer.
  • Han's returns home from war

    Han's and some of the other LSE members were in a fatal car accident. Han's escaped death for a second time after Reinhold Zucker made him move seats. Due to a broken leg Han's was sent home.
  • Liesel found Max amungst the parade of Jews

    Liesel spotted max in the crowd of jews that marched through the streets. she joined the crowd and was beaten for her actions.
  • Bombs went off killing everyone besides Liesel

    Liesel awoke in the basement to a destroyed Himmel street and a loss of all her loved ones including Mama, Papa, and even Rudy.
  • Liesel and Max meet again after the war finally ends

    Max walked into Alex Steiner's shop where Liesel spent most of her time, and they were reunited for the last time.
  • world war two ends