Adolf Hitler becomes the Chancellor of Germany
The Book Thief, or also known as Liesel Meminger, was a young girl during the war. While on a train with her mother and brother, she dreamt of Hitler. She was only 9 years old.. Although Liesel was only three when he became the Chancellor, she really doesn't know any other form of leadership in her country. -
Hitler makes public threat against Jews
January of 1939 was when Leisel was on the train with her family in the cold. This was also the first time Death met with her. Leisel was 9 years old and did not understand what was going on in the world around her. She rode in the train with two guards and two gravediggers, and she knew very little of how the Jews would be treated. -
Battle of the Atlantic begins
When Canada declared war on Germany, the battle of the Atlantic began. This event, although not talked about in the book, is the reason for all the bombings and war. The entire plot is based off of a young girl living in a Nazi town, trying to live normally. Her entire life would have been different if the war had never begun. Her parents and siblings would still be alive, but she also wouldn't have met her foster parents and Max. -
Book Burning to Celebrate Hitlers Birthday
Leisel can now read and write, so she is no longer illiterate. When a book burning cermony is brought together for Hitler's birthday, she realizes how living in Germany during this time is going to affect her life. She has a great amount of respect for literature. This is also where she makes the realization that her father was accused of being a communist, so thats means Hitler is most likely who to blame. -
Hitler and Mussolini meet in Munich
Markus Zusak's mother told him multiple stories of her experiences in Munich, influencing him to make Leisel live in Munich. She was there for the bombing, and was there while Hitler and Mussolini met. This is around the time Leisel is beginning to learn to read and write. This is also when she begins to make connections. -
Munich Bombings
The bombing in Munich was a huge storyline in The Book Thief. It sets up the book by telling you how Death met The Book Thief. She was a little girl, and clung on to a book which she dropped and lost during the chaos. Death then picked up the book and held onto it for many years to come. That was the 3rd time he had met with The Book Thief. -
Nazi SS-Einsatzgruppen begin mass murder.
The mass murder in 1941 was a shock to Leisel. A young girl was exposed to this kind of violence at the age of 11. She begins to realize how Hitler's proganda is helping his rise to power and how he is the reason her family is dead. Max understands how Hitler is brainwashing Germany to hate his kind. -
"Second Revolution- Murder of his own people"
Stalin began taking over what Germans had conquered. Leisel was shocked at what they were doing, but it did not directly affect her. She then says that "then came Hitler." She says people must work harder and harder, but are never thanked. Bosses only ask for more if you get the job done. Leisel doesn't believe this is fair to anyone. -
Parade of Jews
Hans offers a prisoner a piece of bread during the parade as they are marched off to a concentration camp. A Nazi slaps it out of his hand, and terrifys Hans. Hans becomes so afraid of the Nazis, that he sends Max away that night. His house is never searched and he is constantly waiting for a punishment for sending Max away. -
March through Molching to Dachau
Although there are many marches where Jews are captured, this one was particuarly important to Leisel. During this march, she saw Max. She found out he was captured about 5 months after Hans kicked him out. The Nazi guards saw Leisel, and didn't approve of her talking to their prisoners. Max and Leisel were both whipped. Leisel tried to follow him again, but Rudy stopped her.