Period: to
The Book Thief's Timespan
Hans Hubermann serves in The Great War
During the war Eric Vandenburg Teaches Hans to play the Accordion
Eric saves Hans life
Eric died and gave Hans his accordion
Leisel was born
Max loses his job because he is Jewish
The Olympics--Hitler's Games
Rudy paints himself black
Hans applies to join the NSDAP
Liesel's brother died
First Book stolen, A Twelve-Step Guide to Grave Digging
Maz first goes into hidding with Walter Kugler
Liesel went into foster care, new family the Hubermanns
Second book stolen, The Shoulder Shrug
Celebrating Hitler's Birthday
May Meinkampf Arrived
Max arrives at Himmel Street where Hans lives
Liesel's Twelfth Birthday
Liesel got two books, Faust the Dog and The Lighthouse
Rosa Hubermann loses her last customer
A group of French Jews in a German prison, on Polish soil
Rudy and Liesel broke into Rudys father's store
Liesel went to see Max Vandenburg
Himmel street is bombed almost everyone Liesel know died
Ilsa Hubermann takes Liesel in
Max returns when the war is over to see Liesel