Period: 43 to 55
The Courtship of Mr Lyon
1) Father's car is in snow, looks for help, find mansion but no one inside, he picks a rose for Beauty, Beast appears and threatens father who says he will bring Beauty over
2) They do, father leaves but B has to stay. B and Beast tan for hours over dinner, he licks her hand
3) B has a phonecall : father has regain wealth. She promises beast to be back before winter's end
4) She breaks promise, takes a train from London, kisses his paw, he turns human -
Period: 56 to 75
The Tiger's Bride
1) Father loses Daughter over cards
2) She arrives at dusty mansion, valet translates that beast only wants to see her naked, she agrees but with a covered face, he cries
3) she is taken to bedroom where she meets soubrette
4) Valet brings diamond earring, beast ask for nakedness, tears up again
5) Valet brings earring, she throws it
6) they ride horses, beast strips naked (tiger)
7) Father comes, Beast licks her hand, she becomes tiger, father leaves with soubrette -
Period: 76 to 95
- Description of the meeting between Figaro and master
- Master falls in love with Panteleone’s wife
- Figaro decides to help his master by talking to P’s cat who will deliver a letter to her mistress
- Master spends 3h to write letter, woman loves it and promises to love writer
- P’s cat finds a plan : disguise Fig&Master as rat catchers to enter the house, it works, they have sex
- The 2 cats trip P so that he falls and dies. It works, the master, disguised as a doctor confirms P’s death
Period: 96 to 104
The Erlking
1) Description of the forest : "The woods enclose..."
2) Narrator enters : "I walk through the woods"
3) Description of the ErlKing and his house
4) Narrator visits Erl-King often ("I lie at the mercy of his huge hands)
5) Erlking plays songs on his pipes and lures birds
6) Narrator realizes that these birds used to be women, she's in a bad situation
7) Strangles Erlking with its own hair, frees the birds that turn back into young girls -
Period: 105 to 106
The Snow Child
1) Count and wife ride their horse
2) Count wishes child that is white with red lips and dark hair
3) Child arises, countess hates her
4) Countess tries to humiliate her (gloves, brooch) but Count defends child => she gets boots
5) Countess asks for rose, Count is ok, child pricks it, dies, Count rapes dead child
6) only a black feather and a bloodstain are left
7) Countess : "it bites" -
Period: 107 to 125
The Lady of the House of Love
- Description : her, the castle, the Tarot game, the lark
- She lurs men into her castle and eats them
- Description of the man (virgin)
- The countess turns for the first time the card "Les Amoureux"
- Soldier is at the fountain, housekeeper guides him to castle, he smells roses, he dines alone.
- He sees the LHL, when she sees him she cries
- She leads him to her bedroom, she cuts her thumb, he kisses her, they "fall asleep", in the morning he finds her dead with a last rose for him
Period: 126 to 128
The Werewolf
1) Description of environment : harsh, cold, dark
2) Mother tells child to I visit grandmother (gives her dad's knife)
3) Fights with a wolf in forrest, chops his paw
4) Arrives at grandma who is sick, makes the paw fall => no longer paw but hand with wart (know it's grandma's)
5) Neighbors beat grandma to death (associate wart to witch's nipple) -
Period: 129 to 139
The Company of Wolves
1) It's winter, the wolves are starving
2) Stories about wolves and villagers (a woman bitten in her kitchen, a witch transforming a wedding party into wolves...)
3) Description of the girl (has a knife, is a virgin)
4) meets a handsome young man, travel together
5) They bet who will arrive first to grandma (compass)
6) Man arrives first, eats granny and takes her clothes
7) Girl arrives, realizes he is wolf, they have sex -
Period: 140 to 149
Wolf Alice
1) Description of Alice : not wolf nor human
2) Sent to the nuns then to the duke's castle
3) Description of Duke and his castle
4) Periods : understands time & modesty/decency (shame)
5) Amused by mirror
6) the Duke gets shot by townspeople
7) Wolf Alice licks the face of the Duke who's in pain in his bed, and his reflection slowly appears in the mirror