The Black Panther Movement

  • Huey P. Newton

    Huey P. Newton
    Huey P. Newton was one of two leaders of the black panther movement. Huey was 24 when he started the movement and was inspired by the words of Malcolm X and his belief in self defense over the non-violence protests suggested by Dr. King. Huey Newton was a respected community leader known for his kindness as well as being a good law student and a smart street tough. The Black Panther movement gained support with its co-founder Bobby Seale who helped support the movements success.
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    Racial Profiling still exists today

    The problems that is still faced in today's culture is the police brutality described in today's media and how the black community is treated and portrayed in the media and how they are the aggressors and brutal force is required
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    College Education Problem

    The difficulty of getting an equal education also is a problem that still occurs today and can be found in the ratios of black to whites that attend college.
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    Poor African American Community

    We have learned that the movement was successful in the way that it addressed the need for low income houses for the poor, specifically the poor african american community. These low income houses gained a lot of traction in fact they received a total of 3 million dollars in support.
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    The start of the black panther movement till present day

    The beginning of the black panther movement and the beliefs that they held.
  • The creation of the ten point program

    The creation of the ten point program
    The ten point program consisted of 2 lists of 10. The first list consisted of what the party wanted wanted to change in society now. The second list of things consisted of what their members believed. These 2 lists were very alike in the way that they describe what they want and why they want it. All of the claims for things they want are backed up by their beliefs and reasons why they think they not only deserve but need them. This movement used these ten points to inspire their members.
  • Success on an Olympic scale

    Success on an Olympic scale
    The 1968 olympics also pushed for equal rights as many of the competerters that own were black and some even gave the black panther salute when receiving their medals. Some even refused to wear shoes to try and bring attention to the poverty that many faced in Africa.
  • Huey P. Newtons manslaughter movement

    Huey P. Newtons manslaughter movement
    Huey Newton was charged with manslaughter in October of 1967 after an armed conflict with a cop. Huey was charged with manslaughter and after a lengthy court trial he was sentenced to 2-15 years in prison. The significance of this event is in the the protests that arose after the arrest. Protests such as "Free Huey" broke out around the capital inflaming the black community. These protests quickly turned violent and forced many party members to flee or hide from government prosecution.
  • FBI Investigation on Black Panther Activities

    FBI Investigation on Black Panther Activities
    FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover called the Black panther party the "greatest threat to the internal security of the country". Hoover declared that 1969 would be the last year of existence for them. The Counter intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) were projects that were covert and usually illegal. Some methods that they have used are Infiltration, Psychological warfare, Harassment via legal system, Illegal force and Undermining their legitimacy to the public eye.
  • Free Breakfast before School.

    In 1969, a group of children sat down to a free breakfast before school. On the menu: chocolate milk, eggs, meat, cereal and fresh oranges. Because Federal Government was not providing the food so Black Panther Party started to give breakfast to kids before School. This breakfast remain for two years and it was very effective ten of thousands of kids eat breakfast before the school
  • The Black Panthers fight back against police brutality

    there was a fight against a group of cops and a group of black panthers, 2 panthers were killed and a cop was injured. The cops forged a crime scene to justify their actions. This motivated the African American community to fight to stop police brutality against blacks.
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    Sickle Cell Anemia

    By the 70’s the movement had also opened the revolutionary amount 49 clinics to try and treat sickle cell anemia. This is a disease that affected predominantly the African american community. They opened these clinics to help support those sick which was a major leap forward in basic joy of life for African Americans of that time