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simon (spooky) minaj liggins

  • missing

    Simon was missing Halle frantically looked for him in the basement, outside in the yard, and tiny spaces he use to crawl in inside the house but no sign of him. Halle was heart broken all she could do was cry She wouldn't be the same without him all she could think about is he was hurt somewhere or lost. She started preparing herself for the depression that was soon to come, she planned on dropping out of school and crying herself to sleep all day and night.
  • the hero

    the hero
    The women messaged her saying " I have your son!" and instantly tears of joy started running down Halles face. She said she saw him laying in the middle of the college street rode and she didn't want him to get him so she brought him in. The women only lived 4 hours down from Halle so she walked to the women's house to get her son.
  • the great escape

    the great escape
    Everyday before work Halle would give Simon a hug and kiss before she leaves, but she didn't see him before she left. She didn't think much of it thought he would be back later the day when she off because she assumed he was outside. But she was wrong when she went home it was the worst news she ever gotten. She was heartbroken.
  • the search

    With a lot of crying and anger Halle couldn't just give up on him so she decided to post him on social media hopping someone may have seen him around or may have him. Instantly she got many replies back but non of them matched the description of spooky til one comment gave her hope again. Some women said she knows who has him and gave Halle the contact information to get a hold of them.
  • big boy

    big boy
    Simon is now 7 months old. he doesn't want to be held anymore he sleeps all day and eats so much! He always sneaks out the house successfully and he would be outside going on adventures all day til he would want to come in. Then he would sleep for hours. but even thought he was getting big that was still halles baby.
  • home again

    After the fussing, the crying, the anger Halle finally got her baby back and she could be herself again. When she saw him he instantly knew who she was and ran up to her. Ever since Simon doesn't leave the house anymore and is always under Halle she knew she could never let him go that easy and he will forever be her best friend. Halle will be going to college soon and Simon will be joining her so that they make new memories.
  • the birth of a king

    the birth of a king
    Simon was born early October, he was the only black cat out of all of his siblings and his mom. Black cats are held in a special part of this young girls heart, because black cats are treated baldy because they are black cats. Everyone thinks black cats means bad luck, danger, and ect. but it's all a lie.
  • new home

    new home
    When Simon first came home he was ver scared and was always under Halle. He was only about 3 weeks old he was extremely tiny and he still needed his mother. so Halle took her place and became his mother. He had so much energy he always woke her up in the middle of the night playing with her hair. It's the little things he did that shecfell in love with.
  • furry friend

    furry friend
    When Halle first got Simon she kept him in her room majority of the time til she felt like he's ready to venture through the house. they had a dog and she wasn't very friendly, so Halle kept her eye on her. But they became friends very fast and she welcomed him with open arms and they've been buddies ever since.
  • 3 months

    3 months
    Simon got big very fast he was growing right before my eyes, he started to get very curious with the outdoors which she didn't allow at all. He would sneak out the door and smell the outdoors but he never got close to going out til one day. Halle's mom was taking the dog out and while her mom was waiting for the dog to get done Simon ran out! He didn't go anywhere further than the yard he was having so much fun in the snow so Halle let him play for a bit.