Whitney V. California
Anita Whitney was convicted because she helped establish the Communist Labor Party. The state alleged that it taught violent overthrow of the government. -
Near V. Minnesota
The Supreme Court decided to forbid prior restraints to the publication of a newspaper. Penalty will only be such if the publication is malicious. -
Everson v. Board of Education of Ewing Township
A New Jersey statute authorized local school districts to make rules and contracts for the transportation of children to and from public and private schools. It was argued that the transportation to the private schools was meant for religious purposes. The court decided that it's just like providing a sewer system for a church and the government was not supporting one certain religion. -
Epperson v. Arkansas
Susan Epperson refused to teach evolution because it would be against the law and this infringed on her first amendment rights, the court decided there was no secular reason for not allowing it to be taught in the public schools. -
Salvail V. Nashua Board of Education
The Nashua School Board removed MS magazine from the school library, the court decided that there was no legitament reason and that the action contravenes the students first amendment rights. -
Loewen V. Turnipseed
The Mississippi Textbook Purchasing Board refused to approve Mississippi: Conflict and Change because of the racial controversy in the text. The court decided that this infringed upon the authors right to freedom of speech and press. -
Stone v. Graham
Kentucky enacted a law requiring public schools to post the ten commandments. The courts decided that there was no education reason for posting them, therefore the only reason would be to promote a certain religion which is against the first amendment. -
Wallace v. Jaffree
The Alabama legislature modified a 1978 statute that had allowed a moment of silence for the purpose of 'meditation." The 1981 amendment specified that the moment of silence was for the purpose of "meditation or prayer." The court decided that it was unconstitutional because it promoted prayer.