A devistating plague wiped out more than half of the human race and the government evacuated the survivors to the west coast -
rising action
Seven teenagers begin to make a plan to find the secret utopian society called Novo Mundum -
rising action
After school one day Keely checks here email and she has been getting random emails from someone she doesnt know -
rising action
Now Keely is getting clues and different puzzles from the random/secret person that emailed her and she is very confused -
falling action
They have to keep finding more clues and puzzles so they can get to Novo Mundum and live there -
when the seven teenager that are tyring to find Novo Mundum run into "familier faces" during there search for Novo Mundum -
falling action
Diego becomes imobile because of when he got shot by the trooper -
falling action
They have to go across water with a mini boat because that is where the clues are bringing them -
Finally they find the secret utopian society called Novo Mundum and are releifed and happy