The Iron Curtain Speech
The Iron curtain Speech is know as one of the most famous speech of all time. The speech was given by Winston Churchill, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, he said, "From Stetting in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent". This speech was a very big deal because this speech, because it announced that the cold war had officially begun. -
Truman Doctrine
A foreign policy that would help with the effort to contain communism by having police force action. -
Marshall Plan
An effort to help with the fight against communism by giving economic support to struggling nations. -
The Berlin Airlift
The United States began the Berlin Airlift as a response of the Soviet Union Berlin blockade. The Soviet Union Blockade was where the US had cut off all essential needs to the small city of Berlin during the cold war. they cut off food, supply, electricity, and communication. The US responded immediately by sending Airplanes with tons of supply's to Berlin, a plane landed ever three minutes. This was a big deal because it helped in out effort to contain communism. -
NATO Found
NATO is an abbreviation of The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which is a military alliance. -
Ceasing of the Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Airlift was a success throughout the eyes of the democratic nations, because the Soviet blockade had failed. -
East and West Germany Formed
Germany was divided into two Country the East ruled by the soviet union and the west by a democratic government. -
McCarthyism Starts
Also known as the Red Scare, many people would accuse others of being communists. -
Korean War Starts
From June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953 North Korean, aided by the Soviet Union and china, and South Korea, aided by the United Nations and the united states were at war with one another. The United States helping south Korea was in response to a soviet country trying to take over a capitalist country, we used our "police Power". I don't think this is a very vital event to the united states history, because it didn't result in anything extremely different than what was agreed intentionally. -
Rosenberg Trial
A man and wife arrested and sentenced to death because of "conspiracy of espionage", this is part of McCarthyism and the red scare. -
Truman fires MacArthur
President Truman relives General Douglas MacArthur from duty in Korea. While MacArthur believed in using nuclear weapons on Korea, Truman wanted a more smaller limited approach on the war in Korea. Truman's actions was in response of what MacArthur's war strategy and tactics. I believe this is a big deal because it showed Truman's stance on what lines he was willing to cross to battle with communism. -
Eisenhower elected president
Eisenhower was president a duration of the cold war because he served two terms from 1953 to 1961 therefore he was there for the start and to the middle of the war. -
The Korean Armistice agreement
The Korean Armistice agreement signified the end of the a three year war. It was signed by General William Harrison, from the UN, and North Korean General Nam the second, from the North Korean People's army and the Chinese people volunteer army. This was a big deal because this agreement officially separated North and South Korea at the 38th parallel. -
Warsaw Pact Formed
The Warsaw Pact was an alliance with Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union. It was signed in Poland and was called the " the treaty of friendship, Co-operation and mutual assistance". This was a big deal because this was an all Communist pact and they had a lot of power. -
Suez Canal Crisis
A crisis in which many different country wanted control over the Suez canal because of its military power. -
Explorer I launched
A missile that was shot in space and it could take pictures of the soviet unions missile capability's.. -
NASA Created
During the Cold War when there was a race to pioneer Space. The two major contenders was the Soviet Union and the United States. this is a big deal because they could use this technology to benefit their country during the cold war. -
U-2 Incident
During the Cold War when there was a race to pioneer Space. The two major contenders was the Soviet Union and the United States. this is a big deal because they could use this technology to benefit their country during the cold war. -
Bay of Pigs
The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed military invasion of Cuba instigated by the CIA. this was a big deal a embarrassment for the united states because all our friendly relations with Cuba disappeared. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban missile crisis was an extremely terrifying time for the united states, Cuban, and soviet union government. It was thirteen days that the united state would press massive retaliation on the soviet union if they placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. The Soviet Union then stepped down and the crisis was averted. this was a very big deal because if something did happen it would be the first act of war on either side.