the beggining of America

  • Thomas paine publishes "Common Sense"

    Thomas paine publishes "Common Sense"
  • U.S. declares freedom

    U.S. declares freedom
  • united states constitution ratified

    united states constitution ratified
  • first president George Washington starts office

    first president George Washington starts office
  • Eli Whittney applies for patent on cotton gin and is granted on this date

    Eli Whittney applies for patent on cotton gin and is granted on this date
  • U.S. signs treaty gaining louisiana territoy

    U.S. signs treaty gaining louisiana territoy
  • Gibbons vs ogden decided

    Gibbons vs ogden decided
    issued that congress had right over interstate commerce
  • Jackson vetoing the charter of the second bank of the U.S.

    Jackson vetoing the charter of the second bank of the U.S.
  • U.S. annexs Texas and admits it as the 28th state

    U.S. annexs Texas and admits it as the 28th state
  • treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed

    treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed
  • fort sumter sttacked starting civil war

    fort sumter sttacked starting civil war
  • last spike driven in on the first transcontinental railroad

    last spike driven in on the first transcontinental railroad