The Beatles

By ihes51
  • 1957

    The band begins but with only John Lennon Paul McCartney and George Harrison
  • 1960

    They decide to change their name to the Silver Beatles. Then they hired Pete Best as their drummer.
  • 1961

    The Beatles return to Liverpool, where they are originally from. And their future manager Brian Epstein watches them perform for the first time
  • 1962

    They audition for Decca Record and Release their first album, My Bonnie. And sign a contract with their new manager, Brian Epstein. Epstein goes to Abbey Road for EMI with George Martin and signs a record deal for the Beatles. They go to Abbey Road for the first time to record. Also, Ringo Starr performs with the Beatles for the first time, then Mr.Epstein asks Ringo Starr to join the band permanently. They fire Pete Best and Ringo Starr officially joins the band.
  • 1962

    They go to Abbey Road to record their first songs with Abbey Road. They record "Love Me Do" and How Do You Do It?" And decide to sign a new contract with Brian Epstein.
  • 1963

    Their performance on the variety show Sunday Night at the London Palladium begins BeatleMania. The Beatles (No. 1) EP is released and The Beatles album is released in the UK.
  • 1964

    Their album "Introducing The Beatles" is released in the US, alongside "Meet The Beatles". They make their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show and release one of their most famous albums "A Hard Day's Night"
  • 1965

    "Help!" is released in both the UK and the US, alongside Rubber Soul in the UK
  • 1966

    They release the album "Revolver."
  • 1967

    "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" Album is released. Alongside, The "Magical Mystery" Album is released.
  • 1968

    The Yellow Submarine film was released. And the called "White Album" or The Beatles album was released, they also went to India to study with the Maharishi.
  • 1969

    They had their last public performance on top of the Apple offices, Lennon tells the band he is leaving. And Abbey Road is released.
  • 1970-Present

    "Hey Jude" is released in the U.S. McCartney leaves the band, Let It Be is released, Paul files a suit to dissolve The Beatles. In 1980 John Lennon is shot and in 2001 George Harrison dies of cancer.