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The beatles (3)

The Beatles

By 599354
  • Richard Starkey ,Ringo Starr was born

    Richard Starkey ,Ringo Starr was born
  • John lennon was born

    John lennon was born
    John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940
  • Pete Best was born

    Pete Best was born
  • Paul McCartney was born

    Paul McCartney was born
    Paul McCartney June 18, 1942 in Walton, Liverpool.
  • Birth of George Harrison

    Birth of George Harrison
  • Flunked

    On Jan. 1, 1962, The Beatles flunked an audition at Decca Records in London. Label executive Dick Rowe's brush-off: "Guitar groups are on the way out."
  • Ringo Starr joins the band

    Ringo Starr joins the band
    Richard Starkey, better known by his stage name Ringo Starr joined the band in place of Pete Best
  • John Lennon's Death

    John Lennon's Death
    John Lennon was shot and killed by Mark David Chapman on 8 December 1980 in New York City
  • Three survivng

    Three survivng
    In February 1994, the three surviving Beatles reunited to produce and record additional music for a few of Lennons home recordings.
  • Pete Best was fired , replaced with Ringo Starr

    Pete Best was fired , replaced with Ringo Starr
    The real reason was never given to Pete