Canary Islands
After six months of planning a voyage to the Canary Islands with his friends, Charles Darwin is devastated by the death of one of his companions -
Steven Henslow
Mere days after his companion's death, mentor Johns Steven Henslow, informed Darwin of a naturalist position on what was planned to be a two year voyage around the world. -
Captain FitzRoy
Darwin ventures to London in hopes of convincing Captain FitzRoy that he is prepared and qualified to accompany his voyage; Darwin succeeds in winning the captain's approval -
The Beagle
Darwin boards the Beagle in Plymouth, and after a two month delay, the voyage begins -
Cape Verde Islands
The Beagle arrived at the island of st. Jajo off the coast of Africa. While studying a cliff, Darwin observes a layer of seashells embedded into the rock; his observation confirmed to him Lyell’s theory that the Earth was changing gradually over long periods of time. -
The Beagle crossed the Equator -
Rainforest of Brazil
Darwin explores the rainforest of Brazil; he discovers the diversity within different species and as well as new, unseen plants and animals -
Punta Alta, Argentina
In Punta Alta, Argentina, Darwin studies the fossils; he notices some similarities between their structure and that of Living South American animals. -
Falkland Islands
While in the Falkland Islands, Darwin finds numerous Brachiopods fossils -
Rio Negro, Argentina
The Beagle arrives in Rio Negro, Argentina -
Chiloe Island, Chile
While at Chiloe Island, Chile, Darwin sees a volcano, Mt. Osorno, erupt, and experiences an earthquake -
Galapagos Islands
In the Galapagos Islands, Darwin observes numerous plants and animals that were seemingly unique to the islands, yet retained many similarities -
sydney, Australia
In sydney, Australia, Darwin saw different sets of mammals -
Cocos Islands
Using the corals in the Cocos Islands, Darwin tested his theory of atoll formations -
The Beagle arrived at the volcanic island of Mauritius -
Cape Town, South Africa
The Beagle arrived at Cape Town in South Africa -
Bahia and Pernambuco
Darwin explores the jungles of Bahia and Pernambuco in South America, and finds many new plants and animals -
Falmouth England
The Beagle arrives back in England, concluding the voyage