
The Battles of the American Revolution

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    General Gage had readied his troops. Although they're were rumors minutemen were watching. John Hancock and Samuel Adams had fled as they had heard that 700 British troops were coming. This battle was important because it signaled the start of the American Revolution. It influenced the outcome of the Revolutionary war because it gave them hope.
  • Battle at Bunker Hill

    Battle at Bunker Hill
    General Gage had sent out nearly 2400 troops to strike at militiamen who had dug in on Breed’s Hill. When the redcoats had marched up Breeds Hill, the colonists did not fire until last minute. The British had one the battle due to the militiamen had ran out of ammunition. This battle is important because this was the first victory for the British.
  • Battle of New York

    The battle began when the British generals General William Howe and Admiral Richard Howe, joined forces with 32,000 soldiers, including thousands of German mercenaries, or soldiers who
    fight solely for money. They British had one and had captured many of Washington's men or had killed them.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Near Christmas time, General Washington decided to risk everything and began to take 2,400 men to boats so they could attack drunk Hessians. It took them a while to row as the Delaware river had ice in it. They had attacked the Hessians while they were sleeping and had killed 30 and captured 918 and a few hessian cannons.
  • Fight for Philadelphia

    During the spring of 1777 a campaign was set to seize the American capital at Philadelphia. General Washington had failed to prevent the redcoats at the nearby creek. The British had captured Philadelphia.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    General John had convinced the London high command to allow him to pursue a complex scheme. His plan was for him and General How e would join forces to isolate New England. General Horatio gates commanded the Northern Department of the Continental army. Since General How was busy taking over Philadelphia that the American troops were able to attack from "behind" or flank them.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    The Winter in Valley Forge was tough since the British controlled New York and parts of New England. the extreme cold caused soldiers to be exposed to frostbite and had lost limbs. Out of 10,000 2,000 soldiers had died.
  • British take South

    Britain still believed that their were still loyalists in the South. They had replaced Howe with Cornwallis. He had sailed south with 8,500 men. For most of 1780 Cornwallis had succeeded. Many of the African American salves joined the British to win their freedom. When they had reached Camden, they were attacked from the Americans which cut their communication lines.
  • British Losses in 1791

    British Losses in 1791
    General Washington had sent one of his ablest general, Nathaniel Greene to march south and harass Cornwallis. He had split his troops into two. They had sent the British in a flee and had chased them.
  • British Surrender at Yorktown

    British Surrender at Yorktown
    The last battle of the American Revolution. The British had surrendered and Cornwallis did not come out. Instead he had fled away.