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The Battles of the American Revolution

  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The British army set out from Boston to capture Samuel A. and John H, in Lexington and destroy American weapons and ammunition in concord. "The regulars are coming" "A glorious day for America"
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    Boston besieged by thousands of American militia, The British tried to keep control of the city and its sea port. -Olive branch petition. -Declaring independence.
  • New York

    New York
    British won control of the New York port. It was the first major battle of the American Revolutionary war.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    George Washington defeated garrison of Hessian mercenaries before withdrawing. Winning two battles within 10 days
  • Battle at Saratoga

    Battle at Saratoga
    Two battles fought 18 days apart and was a decisive victory for the continental army and a crucial turning point in this war
  • Fight for Philadelphia

    Fight for Philadelphia
    The defeat at the Battle of Brandy-wine lead to the capture of Philadelphia by the British army
  • British take South

    British take South
    After the defeat at Saratoga the British changed their military strategy and began to shift south hoping to rally loyalists support and reclaim former colonies to they can move north
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    They set up at Valley Forge to awaiting Frances arrival. The British had cut off colonists supplies so they has to wait out the winter of 1777-1778. 10,000 troops were were stuck at Valley Forge all winter.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    British surrender at Yorktown
    A french naval force defeated a British fleet and then blocked the entrance to Chesapeake bay, thereby preventing a British rescue by sea
  • British losses in 1791

    British losses in 1791
    Washington ordered Greene to march south and harass Cornwallis as he retreated. Greene divided into two groups of 600 and pursue Morgans soldier. Greene had weakened the British.