The Battles of the American Revolution

  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    1. The British heard colonist were stockpiling arms. British marched and met 70 minutemen. They killed 8 and injured 10. only 1 out of the 700 British were injured. Later British marched and were assualted by 3-4000 minute men hiding behind wall and in trees. they used different tactics
    2. This was the first major conflict between the colonist and the British. Adams stated, "...this is a glorious day for america."
  • Battle at Bunker Hill

    Battle at Bunker Hill
    1. General Thomas Gage attacks near bunker hill with 2,400 troops and marched in unison rows witch took 3 try's to overtake the militiamen. Colonist lost 450 men and the brits lost 1000 and more.
    2. Second continental congress sent Olive Branch petition to king George III and he refuses, The book "Common Sense" was then published and successfully bashed King George the III.
  • Battle of New York

    Battle of New York
    1. General William Howne and Admiral Richard Howne amass 32,000 British soldiers including thousands of German mercenaries known as the Hessians while Washington had 23,000, many untrained fighting. Washington suffers a heavy loss
    2. Washington's men enlisting months were almost due so they needed to win this battle to kept the men from going home.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    1. On Christmas night, Washington lead his army across the Deleware river. By 8 in the morning they attacked the drunken Hessians and killed 30, captured 918, and took 6 cannons. 8 days later they were victorious.
    2. The battle gave the men courage and led them to continue.
  • Battle at Saratoga

    Battle at Saratoga
    1. Burgoyne lead an army Albany to meet up with General Howe’s troops. Burgoyne lead thousands of troops and eventually surrendered to general gate by being surrounded.
    2. Changed Britain’s war strategy by keeping some by the coast.
  • Fight for Philadelphia

    Fight for Philadelphia
    General Howe began his campaign by capturing Phillie. Although Washington failed to block the British by brandywine creek.
    2. This gave the brits confidence.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Washington’s soldiers endured a very harsh winter. They suffered the conditions; wind, snow, and low amounts of food. The surgeons tried there best to avoid amputation. Out of the 10k only 2k survives.
  • British take South

    British take South
    Cornwallis sailed south with 8.5k troops and took Charles town and captured 5.5k Americans. Cornwallis marches towards North Carolina but we’re harassed so much they retreated back to South Carolina.
  • British Loses

    British Loses
    Washington had general Greene March with 600 troops to harass Cornwallis troops, Cornwallis tries to retaliate but ends up failing in the process. Cornwallis was mad and upset so he decides to get revenge and attacks General Greene. He wins but it costs him 93 men, over 400 injured and 26 missing. So he basically lost 1/4 of his entire army.
  • British Surrender at Yorktown

    British Surrender at Yorktown
    French navy defeat and prevent the brits from retreating. At the same time 17k Americans and French surrounded Cornwallis and bombed him for 3 weeks and they finally surrendered.
    Led to the peace talk in a Paris 2 years later and after that America had there independence.