The Battle Of Lexington And Concord
The first shots were fired at sunrise,and the militia was outnnumbered.The British had a exspected win over the colonists in Lexington Massachusetts. -
The Battle Of Ticonderoga
The British reatreated to boston and it was the start of this battle.As the battle was going on ,some soldiers from the british side decided to go and find the fort.When they did they forced the people that was in there out. -
The Battle Of Bunker Hill
After the events inTiconderoga, the battle of Buker hill happened not that far after where the British had a visious win.The Americans felt thats anyone could stand up to the British. -
The Americams Sneak Out
5,000 Americans left Hackensack on November 21 1776,and reached the casualtie of safety on December 7. -
The Battle Of Trenton
The battle of Trenton was easy to think of the outcome because the Americans were sick and weak.So the Brtish had an unfair win situation. -
The Battle of Saratoga(Freeman's Farm)
The Americans had a strong win against the British soldiers.Lord Burgoyne made an alliance with the British for the campain of 1777.His army went to Albany where they waited for the battle to begin.Before the battle he had a minor conflict with his army.And when he was defeated he learned a lot of life lessons. -
The Battle Of Yorktown
The Americans won to the surender of Lord Charles Cornwallis. The Americans showed them no mercy. Corwallis's plan to attack the Amercans failed.