• 1742 BCE

    The Baroque of the 18th century

    The Baroque of the 18th century
    Pedro de Ribera (1683-1742)
    Ribera collects all the ornamental elements of the Churrigueresque vocabulary and articulates them with his own accent. It is not limited only to decorative aspects, but also has a great sense of space and internal structures.
    He made the façade of the Hospicio de Madrid, which is currently the Municipal Museum of the city. The cover, which is located in the center of a façade with sober lines.
  • Period: to

    The Thirty Years' War (1618 - 1648)

    The primary cause of the Thirty Years' War was the actions of Emperor Ferdinand II in forcing the protestants into Catholicism.
  • The initial Baroque of the first half of the 17th century

    The initial Baroque of the first half of the 17th century
    The first half of the 17th century constitutes the beginning of baroque architecture in Spain. This first baroque is closely linked to Juan Herrera and his main monument, El Escorial.
  • The initial Baroque of the first half of the 17th century

    The initial Baroque of the first half of the 17th century
    Francisco Bautista (1594-1679)
    Su arquitectura fue majestuosa, tanto en la fachada como en los interiores, le gustaban los órdenes gigantes, el claroscuro y el marcado sombreado que produce. Supo modelar el espacio y lograr sensaciones ambientales.
    La Catedral de San Isidro obedece a la tipología clásica de iglesia contrarreformista. Una nave con capillas, crucero con gran cúpula y presbiterio poco profundo. Utilizó el orden dórico-corintio en columnas y pilastras gigantes.
  • The Baroque of the 18th century

    The Baroque of the 18th century
    The Churrigueras are a family of architects who became the standard of our baroque.
    José de Churriguera is the main figure and the creator of the most characteristic and brilliant type of altarpiece of the Castilian Baroque, where he imposes the single order and the Solomonic column.
    This is the Altarpiece of San Esteban de Salamanca, where it uses gigantic Solomonic columns. We observe the taste for the profusion of ornament and gilding and the dynamic rhythm of curved shapes.
  • Period: to


    Is the reference point for all those interested in the history of magic to see the point at which the art of sleight of hand became what we understand today as the art of illusionism.