Accession to the throne of Philip II (1556)
Philip succeeded to the throne of Spain, as a result of his father's abdication, but he did not choose to reside in the country until his father's death two years later. -
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Political rationalism
Confidence in the rational method inspired by the mathematical method acquired its consecration with Descartes, but was previously applied to topics of Law by Hugo Grotius. In the 17th century, the construction of demonstrative legal or political systems was fashionable, such as, for example, the Natural Law model. -
Death of Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I of England dies without children. His heir is James I, until 1625 the son of his cousin Mary Stuart, former Queen of Scotland, whom she herself ordered beheaded for treason. -
William Shakespeare
He was an English playwright, poet and actor. Sometimes known as the Bard of Avon, he is considered the most important writer in the English language and one of the most famous in world literature. -
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Thirty Years' War
The Thirty Years' War was a war fought in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648, in which most of the great European powers of the time intervened. This war marked the future of Europe as a whole in the following centuries. -
Las Meninas
Las meninas or The Family of Philip IV is considered the masterpiece of the Spanish Golden Age painter Diego Velázquez. Finished in 1656, according to Antonio Palomino, a date unanimously accepted by critics, it corresponds to the artist's last stylistic period, that of full maturity. -
Reconstruction of the reflecting telescope that Isaac Newton built in 1672 -
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Polish-Turkish War
The Polish-Turkish War (1672-1676) pitted the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth against the Ottoman Empire, which was allied with the Crimean Tatars and the Zaporozhye Cossacks led by Petro Doroshenko. The war could be divided into two phases. -
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The transition to Classicism (1730-1750)
At the end of the Baroque there are several aesthetic trends: the French gallant style from 1730, the development in Italy of the opera buffa, the sonata and the symphony, and the German sentimental style (Empfindsamer Stil); They make up a kind of preclassicism. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788), one of Johann Sebastian's sons, is considered the father of the classical sonata. -
Johann Sebastián Bach
Johan died in 1750. He was a German composer, musician, conductor, chapelmaster, singer and teacher of the Baroque period. He was the most important member of one of the most prominent families of musicians in history, with more than 35 famous composers: the Bach family.