The first bank
The first bank was chartered for 20 years. -
Second Bank
The second bank of the United States was chartered for another 20 years. -
Whigs Party
Political Party (Jackson's opponents) British term to signify opposition to Jackson's "Monarchical Rule". Led by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster -
President Jackson Bank Order
President Jackson ordered end to deposits of gov. money in the bank, and gradual withdrawal of money already in custody. -
1836 Election
Martin Van Buren won presidency -
1840 election
Whig Candidate Henry Harrison from Ohio became President with his vice president being John Tyler of Virginia. Not a month into his term he died and Tyler became President -
Order of the Star Spangled banner by secret society, later named as the know-Nothings. Advocated extension of citizenship from 5 to 21 years, excluded foreign born and Catholics from public office -
Know- Nothings in Control
They won control of legislatures in New York and Massachusetts (90 congressmen linked to the party) -
Federal Reserve of 1913
Returned nation to central Banking -
Early 19th century immigration
large number of white Irish and German catholic immigrants vs native protestant american.