Period: Nov 22, 1200 to Nov 22, 1400
The Mongolian Political Conquest (Thesis)
Mongolian power shifted throughout 1200 to 1400. The empire continued to take control of new territory throughout time. This new conquered land caused political power to shift thus changing the structure of the quickly growing empire.The Mongolian empire survived displayed continuity over time due to the fact that the empire constantly grew. Over time, new descending rulers took power and changed the political structure of the empire. The empire reigned in Europe and parts of Asia. -
Nov 22, 1206
Mongolian Empire founded by Chinggis Khan
In 1206, at a kuriltai, Chinggis Khan, was elected supreme ruler of the Mongolian tribes. Once elected he began to plan the first attack. This is a change over time because the Mongol tribes are taking a new political power to control their new state. This relates to the thesis because it is a change in political structure of the soon to be empire. -
Nov 22, 1207
First Attacks on the Tangut Kingdom and Jin Empire
In 1207, Chinggis Khan conquered the Tangut kingdom and Jin empire. The warriors the Mongols possessed were skilled archers and were very well trained horsemen. When attacking these places they only spared famous scholars and anyone of imprtance, killing or selling others into slavery. This shows a change over time because it marks the first conquered land for the Mongolian empire. This relates to the thesis because it is new conquered land which changed the political power of the empire. -
Nov 22, 1227
Chinggis Khan's death
In 1227, Chinggis Khan's rule came to an end. By his death he had expanded the Mongolian Empire all the way from Eastern Persia to the Northern China Sea. This demonstrates a change over time because this causes the political power to shift to a new ruler. This also relates to the thesis becasue it is a new descending ruler taking power. -
Nov 22, 1236
Invasion of Russia under new ruler
In 1236, under the rule of Chinggis Khan's grandson Batu, the mongol's attempted to conquer Russia. 120,000 cavalry men went into Russia to conquer it. This shows a continuity over time because the mongolian empire is continuing to grow and conquer new territoy. This relates to the thesis because the mongol empire is lasting through the changes over time and continuing to grow and expand. -
Nov 22, 1260
Mongols defeated by Egyptian Army
The armies of the Mamluk dynasty finally defeated the Mongols. The Christian and Muslim forces united to defeat the Mongols and it worked in their favor. This shows a change over time because the Mongolian Empire was defeated instead of being the invincable force the known world thought it was. This realtes to the thesis because the mongols faced a defeat which changed their political power. -
Nov 23, 1260
Kubilai Khan !
At this point, Kubilai Khan took power over the Mongolian Empire. This is an example of continuity because the Mongolian empire is staying under rule of the same family line.This relates to the thesis because political power is being passed down to Ghinggis Khans descendants. -
Nov 23, 1271
Change of Mongolian name
In 1271, Kubilai Khan decided to follow suggestion from his chinese advisors to change the Mongolian name to a chinese dynasty name, called Yuan. This shows continuity over time because the political power is staying in the Khan family although the name is being changed. This relates to the thesis in the fact that the power of the Mongolian empire is staying within the same family. -
Period: Nov 23, 1271 to Nov 23, 1368
Mongolian Reign in China
from 1271-1368, the Mongols (The Yuan) reigned power in China. The political power was controlled by the Mongols during this time. This shows continuity because this was another addition to their vast empire and their vast power. -
Period: Nov 23, 1274 to Nov 23, 1280
Failed attempt to invade Japan.
The Mongols attempted to invade Japan in 1274, without success. This defeat hurt the Mongols very much in their stand of power. This shows change over time as this begins the decline of the empire. Their political power is coming to an end after they were defeated by Japan. -
Nov 23, 1350
Beginning of the Decline of power
By 1350, the empire's decline was beginning to become very evident. Piracy and banditry were very common in the empire. The governments foreces were not strong enough, at this point, which caused the decline. Secret soceities such as the White Lotus Society were devoted to overthrowing the dynasty. This shows change over time because the extremely strong Mongolian Empire was beginning to decline in political power. -
Nov 22, 1380
Battle of Kulikova
in 1380, the battle of kulikova took place. In this battle, the Russians defeated the Golden Horde and the mongols lost their control over Russia. This shows a change over time because the Mongols are losing political power and losing conquered land.