the autoritarian monarchy of the catholic monarchs

  • 1469

    marriage of Isabel of Castilla and Fernando de Aragón

  • 1474

    Isabel becomes queen Isabel I of Castilla

  • 1476

    the end of the civil war in Spain

  • 1476

    creation of the holy brotherhood

  • 1478

    creation of the inquisition court in Castilla and dynastic union

  • 1479

    Fernando becomes king Fernando II of Aragón

  • 1486

    Guadalupe arbitration ruling

  • 1492

    conquest of granada, discovery of America

  • 1496

    the end of the canaries island conquest and Jewish expulsion

  • 1497

    1497 melilla conquest

  • 1502

    compulsory baptism to the muslims

  • 1504

    Isabel I dies and they conquered the Naploes kingdom

    her daughter Juana is still young so Fernando II of Aragón becomes regent of Castilla
  • 1505

    toro laws

  • 1506

    Juana de mad

    suffers from mental illness.Or could be not, her environment were terrible. His father rules as regent until his death
  • 1512

    incorporation of the Navarra´s kingdom to Castilla

  • 1516

    After Fernando´s death

    cardinal Cisneros becomes regent before Juana´s son Carlos V became king of Spain
  • 1517

    biblia poliglota complutense