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The automobiles

  • First car company

    First car company
    Peugeot is the most ancient company of the history, it was founded in 1803 by Jean-Pierre and Jean Frédéric Peugeot. First, they didn't work with automobiles and it was in 1882 when they start to have interest on automobiles an until 1889 when they present their first car.
  • The first automobile

    The first automobile
    The first automobile in the world was made by Karl Benz in 1886. It was made because of the necessity to travel and the leadership of the 2nd industrial revolution.
  • The first electric automobile

    The first electric car wasn't made by Tesla, it was made in 1888 by Andreas Flocken and it run over 15 km/h.
  • Period: to

    The first automobiles race

    The first automobiles race it wasn't a F1 race it was just a popular race made in 1894 from París to Ruan and it was four days long