The Authoritarian Monarchy of the Catholic Monarchs

  • 1468

    Concordia de los Toros de Guisando.

    Enrique IV named Isabel heir of the Crown of Castilla.
  • Oct 19, 1469

    Catholic Monarch marriage

    Isabel I of Castilla and Fernando II of Aragon,got married in Valladolid. This marriage meant the dynastic union of Castilla and Aragon. Is the most powerful monarchies of the Modern Ages
  • 1474

    Isabel becomes Queen, Isabel I of Castilla.

    Involved in a civil war for the succession of Enrique IV, between his daughter, Juana "la Beltranja" and the sister of King Isabel, who was victorious
  • 1476

    The Santa Hermandad

    Is a group of armed people paid by the councils to persecute criminals and criminals. It was instituted in the Cortes de Madrigal of 1476, unifying the different brotherhoods that had existed since the 11th century in the Christian kingdoms.
  • 1478

    Religious unification:

    Reestablishment of the medieval Inquisition
  • 1478

    The Spanish Inquisition or Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition

    Was an institution founded in 1478 by the Catholic Monarchs to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms.
  • 1479

    Fernando becomes King

    Fernando II becomes king of Aragon by natural succession of his father.
  • 1479

    Dynastic union

    Dynastic union occurred when Isabel I and Fernando II were already kings of both kingdoms
  • Apr 12, 1486

    The Guadalupe Arbitration Judgment

    Was a legal resolution issued at the Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe, Extremadura, on April 21, 14861 by Fernando el Católico to free the peasant farmers of the Principality of Catalonia from the misuses to which the their feudal lords were subjected in exchange for the payment of compensation
  • 1492

    Conquest of Granada and the discovery of America.

  • 1492

    Religious unification

    All Jews were expelled from the peninsula, with serious economic consequences, since they were a very rich population.
  • 1492

    Territorial expansion:

    • Conquer Granada.
    • Expulsion of the Jews.
    • Arrival of Columbus to America (discovery of America)
  • 1495

    Marriage between Juana the mad and Philip the handsome.

    It was a very passionate relationship
  • 1496

    Territorial expansion:

    Dominated the Canary Islands
  • 1497

    Occupation of Melilla

  • 1502

    Religious unification:

    Mudejars were expelled or forced to become Christianity
  • 1504

    Isabel I of Castilla dies:

    Passing to the throne his daughter Juana I. Due to the weak mental state of the queen, Fernando II de Aragón held the throne of Castile until his death.
  • 1505

    Laws of Toro

    Are the result of the legislative activity of the Catholic Monarchs, established after the death of Queen Elizabeth on the occasion of the meeting of the Cortes in the city of Toro in 1505, in a set of 83 laws enacted on March 7 of that same year in the name of Queen Juana I of Castilla.
  • 1506

    Juana of Castilla.

    Juana "the Mad", suffers from mental ilness. His father rules as regent until his death.
  • 1512

    Incorporation of Navarra to Castilla

  • Jan 23, 1516

    Fernando II dies:

    After the death of Fernando II, Carlos I was the heir to the two crowns.
  • 1517

    Complutense polyglot bible:

    Includes the first editions of the New Testament in Greek