1770 captain cook
captain James cook has discovers Australia they landed on botany bay. captain cook was born on the 7th of november. unfountnelay he died on the 14th of February 247 years ago he discovered Australia and new Zealand in Hawaii the natives they ate Captian
cook -
1788 the first fleet
the first fleet bring 75000 convicts also 11 ships Alexander, Borrowdale, Charlotte, Fishburn, Friendship, Golden grove, HMS Sirius, HMS Supply, Lady Penryhn, Prince of wales and Scarborough. captain Arthur phillhp was born on 11 october 1738 and died 31 august 1814. -
1797 kiama blowhole
george bass dicovered kiama blowhole -
1803 matthew flinders
Matthew flinders has made the map of Australia he was born on the 16 march 1774 unfountely he died on 19 july 1814 -
1829 western australia
western Australia is the biggest state of Australia it is near the indian ocean -
1851 gold rush
gold was discovered by Edward Hargraves during the first gold rush in austurlia -
1854 eureka stockades
the eureka stockade was caused by a disagreement over the gold miners when it was discovered -
1877 cricket
the team of cricket is now a sport in india austraila and England it came around the world for a sport around the world -
1889 federation speech
sir herny parkes has made a federation speech for australia about federation -
1901 federation
federation is all around Australia to make a country better -
1914 world war I
australia was in world war I in gallipoli -
1947 world war II
world war II was 33 years after world war I