The Atomic Theory

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    Democritus found that all atoms are invisable
  • Isaac Newton

    Newton formulated a theory of light, the three laws of motion and suggested a mechanical universe with small, solid masses in motion.
  • John Dalton

    Said that atoms can't be created or destroyed
  • Wilhelm Roentgen

    While using a CRT, Wilhelm Roentgen saw nearby chemicals that glowed. Some of the rays weren't deflected by the magnetic field. Which let him discover X-Rays
  • J. Plucker

    J. Plucker made something used for X-Rays called the Cathode Ray tube
  • JJ Thomson

    He said that atoms are a ball of postive charge containing a number of electron, discovered the electron.
  • Aston

    Discovered the existence of isotopes through the use of a mass spectrograph (an instrument for dispersing radiation).
  • Neils Bohr

    Fundamental contributions to the understanding of atomic strucutre and quantum mechanics.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    He developed the "gold foil experiment." Rutherford deteremined that the nucleus of an atom is very dense and has a positive charge.
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    He proposed the "Electron Cloud Theroy." Schrodinger identified the electron cloud as the propable location of moving particles.
  • James Chadwick

    Chadwick proved the existance of neutron. He discoverd a particle within the nucleus that has a mass similar to that of a proton.
  • John Douglas Cockcroft/ Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton

    made something which later lead to the atomic bomb which ended World War 2.
  • Ernest Lawrence

    Ernest Lawrence found that when radioactive isotopes are introduced to the body, they give off an energy or radiation that can be tracked by imaging equipment.
  • Enrico Fermi

    He conducted the first chain reaction releasing energy from the atoms nucleus.
  • First Atomic Bomb dropped

    The atomic bomb was dropped to finish World War 2. America used Cockroft and Walton's idea, and split the atom to create a nucleur bomb.