the atomic modes

  • 500 BCE

    the alchemists

    frist to reforence and practice analyzing matter. they also coined term elements. documented chemical reactions.
  • 430 BCE


    Democritus of Abdera means indivisible. he believed atom's were uniform and solid hard. they could not be destroyed or would be constantly moving until stopped.
  • 427 BCE


    he carried on the atomic theory from so crate's. he introduced atomic theory were geometric form's served as atom's broke down mathematically into straggles. platonic solids.
  • 400 BCE


    he thought all matter consists of atom's which can not be further sub divided. atom's are extremally small. they are sold and indestructible. they are seaport form earth other by a void.
  • Robert Boyle

    the person who discovered that the volume of gas decreases with pressure and vice versa.
  • Lavoisier

    found that mass is conserved in chemical reaction. the end result is same mass as the begging martials.
  • john Dalton

    john Dalton
    his theory was relative weights of ultimate particles of body and it was are markable success. made billiard ball modal or solid sphere modal
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    made first periodic table.
  • the curies

    the ray she theorized, came from the element's tombic structure. in 1902 they announced that they produced a decigram of pure radium. showing existence of unquiet chemical element.
  • J.J.Thoomson

    proposed a modal of the atom as a sphere of positive matter with electron's positives based on electrostatic forces. he also design the "plum pudding" modal
  • albert Einstein

    he helped revolutionize all since through the use of statistics and probability.
  • Robert Millikan

    charge of a single electron. he measered the curse of charged water droplets i an electicfild.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    devolved starter of alpha ray's in structure of nucleus. it's how you find and identify alpha particles as helium nuclide. when fired in to gas atom's it is delectated some time's with would suggest a positive charge.
  • Neils Bohr

    Neils Bohr
    his model was very different from pervious modals. he used number in term's of positive value. the proton and neutron are surround by electron. he also design the solar system modal.
  • Henry G.J Moseley

    the frequencies are proportional to the square's of whole # plus a constant. known as Moseley's law concerning atomic #.
  • Werner Heisenberg

    his theory and application's results in discovery of all tropic forms of hydrogen.
  • electon cloud madle

    electon cloud madle
    Erwin Schrodinger made it.