The Atomic Model

  • 500 BCE

    The Alchemists

    The Alchemists
    the alchemist contributed to the atom by showingall metals are composed of mercury and sulfer and these are able to be transfered into gold.
  • 460 BCE


    showed how atoms combine and hold together in so called "clusters" which showed they can be compressed
  • 400 BCE


    made the four elements and didnt beleive in the atom theory. he believed that the four elements were the only concept.
  • 350 BCE


    found that there were five regular solids. these solids are earth, air, fire, water, and quintessence.
  • Robert boyle

    Robert boyle
    he showed that fixed gases can be compressed because the particles are so spread apart. he was the first modern chemist.
  • lavoisier

    showed how to seperate molecules from atoms.
  • solar system model

    solar system model
    benjamin martin made this to show the motions of the planets
  • john dalton

    john dalton
    he studied color blindness and how the atom controls it
  • dmitri mendeleev

    dmitri mendeleev
    created the first elements of the periodic table
  • plum pudding model

    plum pudding model
    electrons sourouded by positive charges or called thompsons plum pudding model
  • jj thomson

    jj thomson
    discovered the negative charged electrons in an atom
  • henry g. j. mosely

    henry g. j. mosely
    created the chemical concept of an an atomic number
  • the curies

    the curies
    she found that atoms don't make things radioactive they are radioactive themselves
  • albert einstein

    albert einstein
    albert created the existince of atoms
  • robert milikan

    robert milikan
    did the oil drop experiment. this experiment showed the exact charge of an electron. he did this by putting forced electrons with changes in the motion of oil.
  • Neils bohr

    Neils bohr
    he showed that a liquid drop provides a good representation of the atoms nucleus.
  • electron cloud model

    electron cloud model
    werner heisenberg created this model of an atom. it shows the nucleus in a charged cloud.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    nucleus had a central positive energy and backed it up with a experiment.
  • Werner Heisenberg

    Werner Heisenberg
    no atom or anything as such has a definite shape
  • billard ball model

    billard ball model
    john dalton created the billard ball model which is the smallest particles made up