The Atom Timeline 2\25\2019

  • Dalton: Solid Sphere Model

    He proposed the law of multiple proportions, which lead to the atom theory. He thought that all matter is made of atoms.
  • Thompson: The Plum Pudding Model

    He identified the negatively charged electrons. He also found protons.
  • Rutherford:The Nuclear Model

    He conducted the gold foil experiment which supported his nuclear model. He shot alpha particles at gold foil to see where they deflected to.
  • Bohr: The Bohr (Planetary Model)

    He created a model of the structure of a atom. Showing it being a positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons. Which are traveling in circular orbit and are defined by their energy levels.
  • Schrodinger: Quantum Mechanics Model

    He was able to show electrons don't move around the nucleus in orbits, but in clouds where their positions are uncertain. His model is still considered widely accurate.