The Atom, 2 / 2 / 2022

  • Dalton's Solid Sphere Model

    Dalton believed everything was made from atoms, that they were the smallest form of matter, and that they joined together to form compounds. He envisioned atoms as solid spheres.
  • Thompson's Plum Pudding Model

    Thompson introduced the idea of electrons, as well as the nucleus. He described the atom as a positively charged soup with negative electrons floating around.
  • Rutherford's Nuclear Model

    Rutherford proposed that electrons instead revolved around the nucleus, like the moon around the earth.
  • Bohr's Planetary Model

    Bohr believed electrons revolved around the nucleus on different fixed rings, and the further away the rings were, the greater energy the electron had.
  • Schrodinger's Quantum Mechanics Model

    Schrodinger's model was similar to the Planetary model, except he believed the electrons followed 3-dimensional wavefunctions.