Winning the arab spring 2

The Arab Spring - Syria

  • Government Bans Public Protesting

    Government Bans Public Protesting
    An offical ruling has been made that all public protesting shall be banned starting on this day. This is for prevention of what happened to Egypt and Tunisia's regime. (source)
  • City of Daraa on Lockdown After Security Killed 5 Protesters

    City of Daraa on Lockdown After Security Killed 5 Protesters
    The southern part of Daraa is on lockdown when police killed 5 protestors. (source)
  • Syrians Explode with Protests

    Syrians Explode with Protests
    An explosion protests spread all around the city of Daraa as people are receiving news about police intervening with protests south of the city. (source)
  • Palestinians Protest "Racist" Bus Policy

    Palestinians Protest "Racist" Bus Policy
    Six Palestinians were arrested for trying to enter Jerusalem for protesting against the very similar segregation seen from 1960s America. (source)
  • Protesters Killed 8 Police Officers in Retaliation of Civilian Deaths

    Protesters Killed 8 Police Officers in Retaliation of Civilian Deaths
    Protesters have killed eight police officers that were loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in retaliation of the death of civilians. Activists reported that tanks were barging in a village called Hama after a three-day general strike from the people of Hama. (source)