
  • The Anschluss

    On this day Hitler anounced the Anschluss ( Union ) betyween Germany and italy wich would make a greater Germany. This goes to show that hitler really belived in the Unity of his people and that wnat he was doing was for the greater good.
  • Danzig and Polish Corridor

    Hitler wanted to build a highway and railroad across Poland to connect Germany, Danzig and East Russia After conquering Sudetenland. this was not ok with France and Brittain.
    This goes to show how greedy hitler is and how he wanted to take over everything.
  • The Nazi Soviet Pact

    Hitler was planning on invading the Poland so Soviet Union called a conference with Hitler to negotiate a deal to continue peace. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and Germany signed a pact . The Pact kept the USSR out of war if Germany decide to war against Bitain and France in exchange for Polish lands.
  • The War Begins

    France and britain declare war on germany after it invaded poland. this goes to show that hitler does not care about consequenses he will go to any extand for what he belives in.
  • Munich Agreement

    The Munich Conference was between the German-Speaking sudentenland region of Czechoslovakia to Germany. during the meeting hitler explain the idea for Czech's do ecede with germany, however Czech's did not agree. Hitler treathened war. France and the Sovet Union protected them and backed them up in case Hitler invaded. Hitler later invaded and broke up Czechoslovakia. this goes to show that Hitler is man of his word. he doesn not care if people say no he goes ahead and do stuff anyways ,