The Anecdote

By jgmares
  • Birth

    I was born at 4:54pm on the south side of Chicago
  • Move to Washington

    Move to Washington
    My dad was stationed in Washington state for about a month. Each day consisted of watching TV/movies with my mom, walking around, or sledding, since it was during the winter.
  • Move to Texas

    Move to Texas
    My dad was stationed to Corpus Christi, Texas for nearly 4 years. I can vividly remember my daily schedule for each year because I feel I had it made: To and from school bussing, safety on military base, hospital down the block, and park across the street
  • Seaworld

    My first time going to Seaworld was amazing considering I loved leanrning and seeing animals at that age. Getting wet by the whales was the best feeling ever. They also had water rides here and there which was great since Texas in the middle of the summer is extremely hot.
  • Family Reunion

    Family Reunion
    Family (aunts, uncles, grndparents, and cousins) visit my immediate family in Texas during the summer, as a surprise
  • Back to Chicago

    Back to Chicago
    From Texas, my family returned back to Chicago, since my dad resigned from the military. I started school about 2 weeks late this year due to school enrollment complications. I enjoyed being back with my extended family again.
  • Jefferson Park

    Jefferson Park
    I moved from Rodgers Park to Jefferson Park after getting accepted into an Options/gifted program at Beaubien Elementary
  • Washington D.C.

    Washington D.C.
    My family and I went to the Barack Obama 2009 Inauguration. We stood outside the whole time and was extremely frigid. It was my first time going to Washington D.C.
  • Disney World

    Disney World
  • Bears Game

    Bears Game
    My parents surprised me on my golden birthday with an iPod touch as well as taking me to soldier field. We ended up winning and Devin Hester got his 16th return that night
  • Grandma Passes Away

    Grandma Passes Away
    Months leading up to this date, we all knew it would come. My family visited the soutside (where my grandma was in the hospital and resided) often, directly after school. It interferred with our lives but she was just that important to us; was my 2nd mother
  • Accepted to Jones College Prep

    Accepted to Jones College Prep
    I was accepted to Jones, Taft IB,and Lincoln Park IB. It was a tough decision since Jones is a longer commute than Taft, but at that time, my family and I felt that JCP had more to offer academic wise, as well as great exposure to the city.
  • Graduating 8th Grade

    Graduating 8th Grade
    I remembered this being the easiest year of grammar school. I received $800 from my parents, so I cannot imagine what is to come for highschool graduation. My extended family came to watch my basketball game, went out to dinner, then party at my house.
  • Freshmen Basketball Team

    Freshmen Basketball Team
    I made the freshmen basketball team when I went to Jones College Prep. I practiced so much to fail that year and never pushed myself like I did in that time.
  • Quinceanera

    I stood up in my counsin's quinceanera. It was the first time I ever danced and I was the main chambelan, with no experience. It turned out great and will possibly participate in another