American Population
The population in the U.S. during the start of the 19th century was around 5.3 million. -
Period: to
Western Settlement
Theadore Roosevelt
It was on this date that Theadore Roosevelt would come to realize the serverity of the envronmental effect that western settlement was havng on the environment, and the animals who lived in it. This would mark the change in him that wold eventually lead to his environmental achievements, which would continue to protect America's lands even after Roosevelt's death. -
Rise of Coal Industry
As demand for energy began to rise, Bituminous and Anthracite coal begin their ascend of accounting for roughly 90% of American energy consumption by the end of the 19th century. -
American Population
The polulation of the U.S. after the first half of the 19th century had more than quadrupled, reaching more than 23 million. -
Homestead Act
This act, signed into effect by Presiden Lincoln, gave ownership to land to anyone who had never taken arms against the United States government, was the head of a family or was 21 or older, for little to no cost. This spurred a rapid increase of population in the west. -
John Muir
John Muir and his supporters won a small but meaningful victory when they were able to turn Mount Rainer from a national forest to a national park. This was the same type of ideology that made the difference between Muir, a preservationalist, and conservationalists. -
American Bison
At the start of the 19th century, the millions of America Bison that roamed the grasslands of the west declined to a number in the low hundreds. This was a result of some of the dramatic changes to the west during the 19th centry, including a dramatic increase in the hunitng of the American Bison by American settlers. -
American Population
By the end of the 19th century, the American population had more than doubled since the year of 1850, and was around 15 times what it had been during the beginning of it. In comparison, the population of the U.S. between the years 1900 and 2000 increased by a magnitude of only 3 times. -
U.S. Forest Service
Theodore Rooesevelt Established the U.S. National Forest Service after becoming president in 1901, solidifying his position as a conservationalist. Today, the national forest service protects 193 million acres of land, with the mission of the forest service being to "provide the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people in the long run"(Gifford Pinchot). This entails protecting American forests and grasslands to ensure that they are used responsibly and conservatively.