The American Revolution to the Civil War

  • Period: to

    American Revolution to the Civil War

  • Election of 1796

    John Adams (Federalist) and Thomas Jefferson (Demo-Rep.) ran for president. John Adams got more votes and won the election, thus making Thomas Jefferson the vice president (as said in the Constitution "the runner up should become vice-president" (The Americans 77). Because of the different views of each political party, there was conflict between the two.
  • Sedition Act

    During John Adams's presidency, he created the Sedition Act to control the people's freedom. It stated that they could not say anything bad about the government. Later, states such as Virginia and Kentucky created the "Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions" saying that states should be able to nullify a law.
  • Revolution of 1800

    Thomas Jefferson and John Adams run for presidency, Jefferson a demo-rep and Adams a federalist. Before, John Adams was president and Jefferson was VP. But in this election, Jefferson won presidency and Adams won VP, making the shift in political parties peaceful, which was "revolutionary".
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    Instead of becoming an American empire, Napoleon offered the sell the Louisiana territory to the United States. France sold the territory to the United States (when Jefferson was president) for $15 million.
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise was a solution to keep the slave states and free states equal. If they were equal, there would be an equal representation in government to satisfy the needs from those states. The Compromise made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state, and the states above 36' 30' free, and below, slave.
  • Era of Good Feeling

    After the War of 1812, the United States has a time of peace. There was only one political party, the Demo-Republicans.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse created Morse code to communicate in 1837. It was a series of short and long beeping sounds to communicate messages.
  • Abolition

    William Lloyd Garrison spoke out for against slavery. He wrote in the Liberator about how Federick Douglass was treated, and many people turned against slavery.
  • Gadsen Purchase

    The United States bought this area (part of Arizona and New Mexico) from Mexico. They wanted this are to continue railroad tracks nationwide.