The American Revolution to the Civil War

  • Period: to

    The American Revolution to the Civil War

  • Economy- Adaptation of the Constitution

    The constitution adapts and establishes that the nation is unified as one common market. This prevents internal tax or tariffs.
  • Political, First secratary of State

    Political, First secratary of State
    George Washington appoints the Thomas Jefferson of Virginia to be the first secratary of state under the new constitution.
  • Political -

    Political -
    The conservatives call for a convention to rewrite the state constitution. This results in the the second legislative house, the State Senate, and for a strong governor
  • Economic - Whiskey Rebellion

    Economic - Whiskey Rebellion
  • Political - Judicial Review

    Political - Judicial Review
    Ths Supreme Court has the power to dismiss acts of the Supreme Court unconstitutional. This starts the principal of Judicial Review.
  • Innovation- Lightbulb

    Humphry Davy invents the lightbulb when expirimenting with carbon and a battery. The lightbulb soon entered the homes of people all over the world
  • social- Jefferson is elected

    social- Jefferson is elected
    Leads the nation through troubled times. He is the father of the constitution, and helps the US break away from isolationism.
  • expansion- Louisiana Purchase

    The purchase of the louisiana territory from France to The United States for a cost of $15. This nearly doubled the size of the US
  • Slavery- Importation of Slaves

    The importation of slaves into the Us is banned. This does not stop smuggling and increased Southern domestic trading.
  • Invention of the Steamboat

    Invention of the Steamboat
    Robert Fulton invents the first steamboat. His invention does not impress the British Navy, so he moves on to France. It gains popularity and becomes a modern hero.
  • slavery- Missouri Compromise

    slavery- Missouri Compromise
    Agreement from Henry Clay that Missouri can be entered as a slave state and Maine as a free state. The boundries were established at 36 degrees 30 minutes north latitude
  • Social, Indian Treaty and Removal Act

    Social, Indian Treaty and Removal Act
    Removal of Indians from their traditional lands. AKA the trail of tears due to the expansion of the US territory.
  • Innovation- Morse Code

    Innovation- Morse Code
    The morse code consisted of dots , dashes, and spaces to be decoded into words. Soon the US was wired with the telegraph, which quickly became standard world wide.
  • Expansion- Annexation of Texas

    Expansion- Annexation of Texas
    In 1845, the United States of America annexed the Republic of Texas and was joined as the 28th state under President Polk. This lead to the Mexican- American War.
  • expansion-Addition of Oregon Territory

    expansion-Addition of Oregon Territory
    Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Wyoming and Montana are added to US territory.This becomes known as the Oregon Treaty
  • Slavery - Fugitive Slave Act

    This act gave any free or slave state to "remove" any black that was in suspicion of being a runaway slave. The act became very strong because it was backed up by harsher punishments and larger fines.
  • Society - City Ordinance

    Society - City Ordinance
    A city Ordinance plaved a 10-hour limit on a laborors day. Local, labor unions had brief succeses due to this.
  • Economic - More Industrialized homes

    By 1861, the factory system replaces the traditional domestic way of life. This is a start of industrilization throughought the country