The American Revolution TImeline

  • "The shot heard round the world"

    "The shot heard round the world"
    Symbolized the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. Colonists Militia versus the British Redcoats.
  • Paul Revere's RIde

    Paul Revere's RIde
    Paul Revere rode around and told the colonists that the British were coming
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Major Battle where William Prescott told american troops " dont fire till you see the white of their eyes"
  • The Declaration of Independence is adpoted

    The Declaration of Independence is adpoted
    The Continental Congress agrees to Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence
  • George Washington Crosses the Delaware

    George Washington Crosses the Delaware
    George Washington and his troops cross the Delaware on christmas night to surprise their enemy
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    The Continental Army spends winter training at Valley Forge
  • America Choose a flag

    America Choose a flag
    The Continental Congress adopts the "Stars and Stripes" flag
  • Battles of Saratoga

    Battles of Saratoga
    British general surrendered his army to the Americans after defeat
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    British General Cornwallis' surrenders at Yorktown to unofficially end the American Revolutionary War
  • Paris Peace Treaty

    Paris Peace Treaty
    The treaty was signed which formally ended the American Revolution.